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Supplemental Lights for Trophy Ridge Sights


New Member
Mr. Newbie Archer here again......

I was curious if anyone here has tried either the "Nitro Lights" (glo sticks) or the Indiglo Wide Range LED that fit some of the sights that Trophy Ridge makes?

I recently bought a Guide Series Matrix 5-pin with the .019" pins and was wondering if the supplemental lighting mentioned above would help the pins be more visible in low light conditions?
I have some "Nitro Lights" glo sticks, but have never used them. I purchased the Indiglo LED light at the same time I got the Trophy Ridge sight.

If you get the LED light and mount it to your sight make sure to check that the light doesn’t come on while practicing. The vibrations from shooting may turn it on, it did several times while I was shooting this summer.

I can certainly see the lighted pins better in limited light situations.
Trophy Ridge has a new LED light that has a rubber gasket on it to prevent it from doing that now! It is a very nice bright light with all metal parts now. Highly recommend it to anyone. It really lights her up. Nitro sticks descent, but does not compare to the LED. Check your local proshop or:
Good Luck
Thanks a bunch, guys. I was thinking that the LED looked like the way to go. I think I'll definitely be ordering one. Does it run on replaceable batterie(like round watch batteries) or do you just buy another one when it runs out of power?
it has batteries and is not pope and young legal. i don't think using it is illegal but for P&Y standards it is.
Nitro Lights are awesome when hunting from a blind. I like them. Just do not own a sight that utilizes them anymore.
I have used the sticks and the light. The sticks give some light but you still have to look pretty hard for your pin. The light is super bright. The only drawback to the light is that it shoots straight down and can be seen from the ground. My father-in-law got busted once when he turned it on. I used some black electrical tape and closed in the area that the light shines on as good as I could to prevent the same thing from happening to me. It must have worked cause I shot a turkey with it on. I was in a tree stand and there were about 20 other turkeys right there with it. Fact is the other turkeys didn't know what happened so they just went back to eating, then a doe came by and I shot her too. It was one of those cloudy dismal mornings that was taking forever to get completely light. I could have shot without the light but it made it a ton easier to see the pin.
Does anyone have a link to a website or some electronic document that outlines what eqiupment is and is not legal for Pope and Young standards? I couldn't find a list on the organization's website.
the little nitro lights are legal, anything battery operated is not. i may be wrong on that. my opinion on a lighted sight is that if i need a light on my sight to shoot than i should not be shooting. now, in the turkey blind i'll use it this spring for sure.
my opinion on a lighted sight is that if i need a light on my sight to shoot than i should not be shooting.

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And I say mudman that some of you fellow bow hunters have much younger eyes than some of the rest of us.
my opinion on a lighted sight is that if i need a light on my sight to shoot than i should not be shooting.

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And I say mudman that some of you fellow bow hunters have much younger eyes than some of the rest of us.

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm 27, my eyes are perfectly fine. when it gets dark and you have a lighted pin it creates a halo around it and obscures more of the target, hurting more than helping. i've used both the nitro lights and the LED light on my trophy ridge, personally i don't care for either one while i'm deer hunting. when it gets to the point where i would need a light to see my pin (which is pretty dark because the trophy ridge sights gather light VERY well) it is time to start getting ready to go. the only place i think these lights will be beneficial is in my double bull. my $0.02.
Seeing your pins better is one thing. Not everybody has great eyes. But shooting when it is getting dark just because you can see your pin isn't a good idea. Sticks tend to blend in much better and you never know when that great shot opportunity is going to go all wrong. That is my opinion. Nothing against the lights, just you better know where every twig is.
I have a light on my sights but have never used it during a hunting situation, not that I wouldn't, but I love it when I'm target shooting. At the indoor range the lights wash out everything so much that a lighted pin sight is invaluable.

It's your call about the hunting, to each his own. But when target shooting, there's no better way. There are some that will tell you a range finder is wrong too. And some "purists" will tell you your Compound bow is to high tech to be considered real bow. It goes on and on and will to the end of time.

I say whatever keeps you at the top of the food chain is best.
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