Well-Known Member
As was mentioned in another thread, some people like the surprise of a new buck drifting in. I put cams out in August, but haven’t pulled cards since. I’ve been burnt waiting on a big deer before, never to see him from stand. That sucked the fun out of that season for me. So it really didn’t bother me to hunt without knowing what was in the area.
So last Saturday I climbed into a LW stand I hung October 12. I had some yearling bucks pushing does around shortly after I got on stand at 11 am. About 4 pm, I got tired of sitting, so stood up. Looking around the tree, I saw a big bodied deer with a rack coming my way on the other side of the creek. Too much brush for a good look at the antlers, but with the body size, I clipped the release in the D loop.
He crossed the creek and was coming at a steady walk. His path would take him on the other side of a blow down, tree top first. I wasn’t going to get a good look until he got to the trunk of the tree, and then I should be drawing because he would be in range. I saw the tall tines, drew back, aimed at an opening past the end of the log, hit the release when his chest filled the peep.
Arrow flight looked good, he bolted straight away, fell at 30 yards, struggled to get up for another 10 before going down for the count.
I tore down the stand, walked over to where he was at the shot, found the arrow laying there. Two of the three blades of the Rocket Hammerhead were broken at their halfway point. Immediate huge blood trail even this colorblind person could follow, but that didn’t matter as I saw him crash.
As I walk up, notice that he has busted out both brow tines. So what I thought was going to be a 10 was actually an 8. Surprise.
Grosses 144” as an eight.
Sorry for the upside down phone pic.
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So last Saturday I climbed into a LW stand I hung October 12. I had some yearling bucks pushing does around shortly after I got on stand at 11 am. About 4 pm, I got tired of sitting, so stood up. Looking around the tree, I saw a big bodied deer with a rack coming my way on the other side of the creek. Too much brush for a good look at the antlers, but with the body size, I clipped the release in the D loop.
He crossed the creek and was coming at a steady walk. His path would take him on the other side of a blow down, tree top first. I wasn’t going to get a good look until he got to the trunk of the tree, and then I should be drawing because he would be in range. I saw the tall tines, drew back, aimed at an opening past the end of the log, hit the release when his chest filled the peep.
Arrow flight looked good, he bolted straight away, fell at 30 yards, struggled to get up for another 10 before going down for the count.
I tore down the stand, walked over to where he was at the shot, found the arrow laying there. Two of the three blades of the Rocket Hammerhead were broken at their halfway point. Immediate huge blood trail even this colorblind person could follow, but that didn’t matter as I saw him crash.
As I walk up, notice that he has busted out both brow tines. So what I thought was going to be a 10 was actually an 8. Surprise.

Sorry for the upside down phone pic.

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