Survival Gear Essentials

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Fire is essential for warmth, cooking, melting water from snow or ice, and psychological well-being. I keep my kit stocked with a redundant supply of fire-starting materials.I carry a Leatherman on my belt at all times, but I also stock my kit with a lightweight Havalon razorblade knife and a few extra 60XT autopsy blades. In addition to my primary flashlight — a Surefire mounted on a homemade head strap — I always carry a simple backup light that can be powered by a single AA battery. I always carry at least 25 feet of braided utility cord in my pack. If you really want to be prepared to capture emergency food without the aid of a firearm, spend a little money at and get yourself a three-pack of self-locking cable snares. They’re lightweight, easy to use and strong enough to hold a raccoon or even a beaver. :way:
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