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Switch planting now??


PMA Member
I have some bare dirt where I have recently had a pond built and I would like to establish switch on the back side of the dam. It is all bare dirt now.

I also have some switch seed on hand. Would it be a good idea to drill in switch now? Or, if not, assuming I don't want to leave the soil bare all winter, what would be a good approach to get this area to switch soon? TIA.
Could he also drill it in as a dormant seeding this Nov’ish? Pretty sure NWSG CRP plantings allow this. And could still spray gly on cover in early spring?
In theory yes. However, this past year had some dormant seedlings fail cuz it was 70 degrees in December. I think seed germinated and then died. On a normal year, dormant seeding works. I do feel our weather just gets crazier so I question dormant seeding going forward.
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