Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Tagged out 11/02/2016


I got to the stand on November 2nd at 5:00 PM with low expectations due to the warm temperature. I didn't have my gloves on yet in the stand and I heard running farther down in the timber. One doe passed through with 5 bucks eventually coming down the same trail within a few minutes. All smaller bucks. At 5:45 PM a good buck pushed a doe around 80 to 100 yards in front of me in the timber. He eventually pushed the doe into the 40 yard range when he postured up and threw his ears back. I hadn't even noticed the other buck. A snort wheeze and a few grunts along with a few hard steps ran the smaller buck off. The buck lost track of the doe and retraced his steps bringing him to 15 yards. I was able to stop him at 30 as he walked out and stick him a bit high on a broadside shot right at 6:00 pm. He ran quickly and I was sure I heard him fall in short order. I game him until 6:30 pm and began the track. He went 75 yards and piled up. My best buck ever. Any guesses on score?
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