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Tama county


New Member
Hello I'm new to this forum but I thought a few of you fellow Iowans could help me a bit on what I should expect from my hunt this fall. This was my 3rd year for putting in for an Iowa non-resident tag and I finally drew one this year. I have a friend who has land in Tama county on the Iowa river and was wondering the quality of bucks I should expect to see on my Nov. hunt. I currently live in Kansas and have shot several nice bucks but was wondering for this area how long should I wait it out until a giant walks by or should I try to tag the 1st Pope and Young that walks by? I'm used to the non-residents coming in and expecting to see giants every time they come to KS but I know thats far from how it really happens and you have to put in a little time and hope for a little luck to make it happen. I'm just a little pumped about finally drawing a tag and wanted to here a few peoples thoughts. Thanks
I seems to me that you are being realistic about your opportunity. Too many people think that all you have to do is step in the woods and you will shoot a monster. You, ho is coming from one of the top trophy whitetail states will fully understand this.

Now about Tama County. Anywhere along the Iowa River is usually a very productive location. It really boils down to the pressure in the area and the herd management as well. If it's private land with several acres, you should do very well.
Congrats on drawing a tag. Tama County can be good, as I shot one of my largest bucks there.

What's your landowner friend say about the deer herd in the area?
He has around 500 acres in one chunk but he hasn't owned it for that long so all he's told me is that there are big deer there. I just don't really know what to expect, I'll be going in blind.
Welcome to the forum. My $.02

If you can afford an October weekend visit that might not be a bad idea. This will give you a better feel for what you will be hunting. If you go down blind it will take you a couple days to become acclamated to the area. It also might be worth setting up a trailcam when your there in October, then when you return pull the card to check the quality of deer on his property.

I have hunted both states a few times and IMO your chances are better in Iowa for harvesting a buck over 150". Has your friend put any limits on you as to what you can and can't shoot? Remember it's the rut, spend every second in the stand, you can't kill them from the house or hotel. You will only draw a tag every three years at best right now, in the near future it will may become every 4 years. If your not seeing deer the first day or two move your stand. Be aggressive calling, rattling etc.

Good Luck, hope you harvest a monster.
Have you "Google Earthed" the property? I was amazed at how good I could see most of the properties I hunt. It might give you a feeling for how the deer travel across the property.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: String Gun Shooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Iall you have to do is step in the woods and you will shoot a monster.

You mean thats not how it is in Iowa??

I dont know anything about Tama County, but wanted to wish you luck.
There's a chunk on the Iowa river that was bought about a year or two ago AND is now FOR SALE again, that's about 500 acres. I drive by that piece everyday just about. If that's the piece you are talking about or considering buying, I think it's a good piece of land. If not, I think the general description you are giving sounds good as well.
Sounds to me and others you think it's good and looking for a confidence booster, I think you're in great territory, now it just depends on management/neighborhood and hunting skills. good luck! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
Sligh1, yes that may be the property that I'm hunting. Bakes, yes I may try to get up there and hang a couple of cams to maybe give myself a better idea but with the price of gas these days it may take all my money just for the trip. I have google earthed it but actually ended up using Terra Server it had a better quality photo. Anyways thanks for all the help guys and yes I am just looking for a little confidence booster and don't want to set my expectations to high and just know what I'm in for. All I know is its gonna be a great week in Nov., can't wait!!
Speaking of gas, the deer in Iowa love ethanol gas cause it's made from corn, so make sure you sprinkle some on you every time you go to stand.
I hunt the Iowa River basin in Tama county almost exclusively. I'm partial, but it's a great area. 500 acres on the river is a lot of ground to cover. If you're wanting to make the best odds for yourself the best thing you can do is find a trail within sight of the river bank and sit and wait. Bucks run that river's edge during the rut looking for does all day and all night during the rut.

I don't know what you're looking for personally in a "great buck," but a 140" deer in that general area is going to be pretty good. There are B&C class deer running around up there, I typically catch a glimpse of ~ 1 per year. In 6 years of bowhunting that area I've not had a B&C deer walk within bow range of me, but have had opportunities/taken deer up to 160".

Trail cams are going to be tough this year. The water is awful. So are the bugs. Don't come hunt until after a good hard frost or two. If the ground is right on the river don't let anybody tell you that the deer are gone or pushed out. They will be back when fall comes and especially when the rut starts.

Good luck!
I've never hunted the area, but have driven through and around tama enough to know that it will be a productive place to hunt. River bottoms during the rut...Doesn't get much better than that, imo. Go early, stay late...and shoot the first thing that would make you happy to have waited three years for.
Hey Lance, good luck on your Iowa hunt!!! For those of you that don't know Ksrackman, he is a great guy and one hell of a bowhunter and major shed hunter!!! I know for a fact that he won't go into this expecting to see a booner around every tree....

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