Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Tastey ear?


Active Member
At first glance I thought maybe the injury to this buck's ear was a slug hole, but its too big. Would have made a cooler picture though. I assume that would be an injury from an antler while fighting but it does look like a bite mark.

Years ago on a deer drive I jumped a yote and took a quick shot. I thought I whiffed until my buddy thumped him at the end of the drive. When we got up to him there was a perfect slug hole in his right ear. I wish I would have gotten a picture of that.

About ten years ago, I got to talking with a student about deer hunting (imagine that
). I told him he was welcome to hunt our farm. He went out one day, shot at a deer but couldn't find it. Two days later he came back out and this time dropped a deer. He came up to the house and opened the trunk to show me the hole he had put in it's ear two days earlier.
Ghost has a picture of a doe that has a "pierced" ear due to a shotgun slug. I remember thumbing through the pics and, if I remember correctly, the same doe showed up over and over... easy to identify her with that big ol hole in her ear.
Remember a season or two ago I wrote about emptying my quiver of arrows at 5 deer that were less than 15 yards away from my stand?

Here is the rest of the story: The deer milled around for a few minutes making me madder and madder. They moved to the trail that was just below my stand and proceeded to walk single file underneath me. I was so angry at my self for missing so many easy shots that I stood up, unhooked my safety belt and jumped down onto the last deer's back. I grabbed him by his buttons, he was too young for antlers, and took a big ol' chomp outa his ear. He bucked me off and took off like a, well, like a deer that had just had his ear chomped on.

I brought the piece of offending auricle home and was gonna put it in the freezer but I thought I might get in trouble if the DNR guys ever checked my freezer and I had an illegally taken hunk of venison in there. The evidence was quickly and quiety disposed of in the cat food pan.

And now you gotta photo of him sticking his tounge out at me. Yeah, well, go ahead and mock me, I still got your ear, bastard.

The 'Bonker
Bonker, you never seem to amaze me with your very believable? stories

[/ QUOTE ]

If I'm lyin I'm dy....CHEST.... PAIN, CAN'T BREATH EVERYThing getting black aaarrrrrggghh....

The 'Bonker
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