This problem started in Mitchell county and not Dickinson county. The Mitchell county DNR contact is aware and has not been brought up-to-speed on the current situation. He will be brought up to speed if I do not see results soon. Then, the Mitchell county DNR and myself will also be reaching out to Dickinson county and Osceola county for help. The Mitchell county DNR will be the person to get the investigation started for criminal proceedings. Make no mistake about it, my next avenue is to get law enforcement (DNR) involved for criminal purposes (theft). I will also be reaching out to attorneys for advice and preparing for the worst. I have researched other precedents set with similar cases so criminal prosecution is an option and last resort if necessary. Anyone else who is experiencing problems will be reached out too as well, if this needs to reach such level. It will take a collaboration of multiple parties to get a criminal charge. Multiple civil cases are apparent already, however, money will not solve a thing in said case. There is no money to be had, the ultimate reason for the sudden move/hiding. Word travels fast, and they are aware! I hope Rich and Amber decide to move quickly and do the right thing. For those who are trying to help these two, do not be fooled by deception and lies. They are good at it. Please get the word out to these two any way possible. Those on this website are very intelligent and seem to stick together for the greater good. I know word gets out quick with these forums/blogs. All I ask for is a call from these two so we can work out a resolution/get a plan together for a meet and pick up of possessions without it getting to the next level. I have been told by guilty party (Rich) I would be getting a call and still nothing. The ONLY reason he called was because they have been pressed by the heat being brought. This makes me believe one thing so far. They are hiding something (DO NOT HAVE OUR POSSESSIONS anymore). Those of us who have been deceived and taken for money (deposits of hundreds of dollars) will not get any money back. If so, it would be a miracle. We can only be lucky as to get some or all possessions back at best. At this point, that is ALL I am wanting and what is most important to me. Brian (Breiner11) and Tom Matuska have been very generous to offer a helping hand, and it is greatly appreciated. Rich and Amber Gonnerman ARE aware of the need to rectify the situation. We having been moving forward in the past two days with a little communication at best (a few text msgs by Rich only) only because of Brian and Tom working together to get resolution and peace of mind. From there, it's been the common "I will call you shortly" but receive no calls etc. This seems to be the (good attempt and we are "all good" in Rich's mind) or how he deceives those who have taken an interest or want to help. Nothing more happens from then on. I would like to continue moving forward and actually get the ball rolling with getting possessions back in hand for all of us. Any more advice/help is needed and appreciated. I am thankful and grateful for a close knit community such as you all, to lend a helping hand. You all have good morals and share the same passion for the animal and hunt, something that is hard to explain. This just makes me sick! I am sure you all feel the same...Money is one thing, but a memory and/or a feeling is another.