When the foil just isn't enough:
I didn't want my terawatt brain waves to cook the sauce too fast.
Perhaps I should have posted this in the let's eat thread. The real reason I haven't killed anything yet this season is I didn't have any place to put the meat. Our freezer was full of tomatoes and peppers. 18 (quantity) 1 gal. (size) baggies of romas that took up all the available space.
6 hours later we have 3 gallons of starter sauce. We call it starter sauce because we put spices, peppers and onions in the sauce, cook it down and can it, then my wife will add other seasoning and "stuff" to it depending on what she is using it for; chili, spaghetti, pizza or whatever.
Now that I have someplace to put the meat I'll probably not see another deer to shoot. I passed up several does this November because I was positive there was a buck watching in the tall weeds and he would step out at any second.
Keep after it Men of Foil, we shall not be denied. Denied what, I'm not sure, but we shall prevail! Now go out there and kill one for The Gipper!