I saw another panel of deer breeders down in Texas. Other "Experts" too. They shot holes through the Drury panel. Said there WAS a live test for CWD. Said many false statements were made during the Drury Round table. With the experience I had up in N MI with the blown up TB scare I look with a skeptical eye at what Natural Resource Officials put out.
I'm sorry but deer farmers are the last one's I'm going to listen to regarding CWD. I'd rank them lower then even Ted Nugent. They're more then likely are responsible for it's spread around the country and they are trying to protect their industry.
I'm not sure what to think about CWD. On it's face the idea of heard reduction in outbreak areas to slow it's spread has merit. Unfortunately, that's all it can do. It can't eliminate it or contain it. I think eventually it will spread and all we will be able to do is hope there is some part of the herd that is naturally resistant but that is just a pipe dream. I have never seen any study or information suggesting there has been a single deer exposed and not infected.
My biggest fear is that somehow CWD will cross the species barrier and become infectious to humans. Not that I'm huddled in the closet sucking my thump about it.
I will also finally say I find a lot of hunters attitudes about CWD disappointing. A hoax? really? For what purpose? Also, when I see things like the subject of mineral licks come up I about choke. If CWD lives in the dirt of course a mineral lick will help spread it. It is also not the same as a scrape, licking branch, rub, food plot/crop field, breeding or other NATURAL deer to deer interaction. It artificially concentrates deer and attracts deer from other areas that would other wise have no reason to be there. It is way to spread CWD that we can easily control and eliminate but it gets serious push back from many. "How will I get my big buck picks"? To that I ask are you really what we hunters always claim to be? Are you a conservationist? A steward of the land and animals we claim to love and want to protect for future generations?
I understand all the push back and hand ringing. A lot of people have a lot of time effort and $$$$ invested in deer hunting/managing. The CWD issue is a factor every time I contemplate buying my own piece of heaven. Without a doubt I would be sick to my stomach if they came into my neighborhood and started killing everything. Maybe it would more helpful to engage with the DNR, take part in the easy things that can be done to slow the spread and educate fellow hunters. I'm not sure what kind, if any, of studies or research is going on to find a cure. Maybe the hunting community and industry need to come together to fund it.