Mr. Dubs, guess I don’t perseverate on a thread once I think it has run its course. But since you ask about where I am, well, my friends know what is going on in my life and I choose not to share with fine gentleman such as yourself.
When I did read your reply about the hypocrisy on this site I followed up with a post that I felt was an accurate statement explaining “not remembering in a year” as a society as a whole, not that the fine members of this site would forget. That was the end of the issue for me. Then you posted a couple of links to Iowa poachers on the web. I was confused as to your premise for posting them outside of the possibility you were trying to bait me. Looks like I was right. Perhaps you could elucidate on you post and I could then formulate a cogent reply.
About letting Iowans hunt on your land when you can’t, thank you. I did not follow that thread past the original post, again “perseverate” comes to mind.
I’m not sure if “Bonkercratic” was an attempt at just giving me a good natured hard time or an attempt to raise my ire.
If it was intended as a good natured ribbing, it is indeed a good one; it made me chuckle. If it was an attempt to elicit a response, well, here it is: I choose not to follow the dogma of any one ideology. I choose to think on my own and make decisions on my own that I feel are right for me, my family and my country. So if “Bonkercratic” fits, then it’s fine with me.
The ‘Bonker