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Ted Nugent Busted for Game Violations

I for one have never been that much of a Ted fan. His style is a little too much "self-promotion" for my taste. I would assume this may have some negative impact on his influence in the hunting industry.
It must be like Christmas for PETA.Just imagine the PETA newsletters going around.
"High profile hunting advocate gets busted for shooting bambi over bait"
Either way its not good for hunting.He supposedly shot a spike in a "Forked antler" zone.And over bait on top of that.I for one don't really want/need uncle Ted promoting hunters rights.I have never seen him in a "fair chase" hunt.Either he is baiting or hunting high fence properties.
I have always had a distain for Nugent.It might be because I am 57 and now he was a draft dodger.For someone that want to stand and promote some "rights" of any type with having been a draft dodger doesn't sit well for me. JMHO
Well let's see, two years ago it was the guy shooting elk in the wrong area while making videos.

Last year it was Greg Ritz, This year Teddly.. What's the common denominator..
I can take him or leave him as well. A couple of years ago my company bought a new machine and they are made up in Jackson Michigan near where uncle Ted calls home. The machine techs, who were hunters, didn't have much good to say about him, told some stories of things he had done that weren't the best.
He's a total pretender. Hunting over bait and inside fences, what a joke. On one hand he's supposed to be an advocate for gun owners and hunting rights, but would not bear arms for his own country when asked. To you guys who say in a year nobody will remember, I wonder if you would feel the same if he broke the Iowa game regs? Every poacher from acrossed the country who is caught in Iowa is posted here in lights, but it's ok for Ted? Joke.
Ha.. I showed this to a friend and he brought up a funny point.. he said '' $1750 fine? He probably got $50000 to film it...''
Bonker, I'm not being anti Iowa I'm simply showing the hypocricy here. If Ted would have broken Iowa regs would you, the infamous Bonker, give him a pass and say, "In a year nobody will remember?"
Giving him a pass and saying nobody will remember are two different things. I don't believe the post suggested that just Iowans would forget, rather that the nation as a whole seems to forget about these things because he will be back on stage performing and sweep it under the rug. Giving him a pass would suggest that, as Iowans, we think that Mr. Nugent can do no wrong regardless of what he does. I think this thread has disproven that.

I think the "forget in a year" thing was more aimed at our society’s ability to see only the now while forgetting the past and not caring about the future.

The 'Bonker
Looks Like Ted needs to move to Taylor County Iowa !! HAAAAAAA! I hear they toss things like this out of court there !!!!!! See being one guy even being someone ya get your ass burnt ! Guess he needed a big group of guys poaching to get off !!!!!!!!!!
I've never really been a fan of Ted even though he's all about hunting. He's always really pro about hunting over bait, and he just seems to really be putting his name out there more than anything, he just doesn't appeal to me.
Where are you Bonker? A few weeks ago I posted on a thread where I mentioned I let two Iowa residents hunt my property when I don't draw. And you want to call me anti Iowa? In fact the Iowa residents hunt my farm year around, every year, great guys. Lets go I'm anti Iowa?
Where are you Bonker? A few weeks ago I posted on a thread where I mentioned I let two Iowa residents hunt my property when I don't draw. And you want to call me anti Iowa? In fact the Iowa residents hunt my farm year around, every year, great guys. Lets go I'm anti Iowa?

Did I miss something! Bonker rub you the wrong way? I am glad your attitude, about Iowans and our hunting regs, is unbiased.
Mr. Dubs, guess I don’t perseverate on a thread once I think it has run its course. But since you ask about where I am, well, my friends know what is going on in my life and I choose not to share with fine gentleman such as yourself.

When I did read your reply about the hypocrisy on this site I followed up with a post that I felt was an accurate statement explaining “not remembering in a year” as a society as a whole, not that the fine members of this site would forget. That was the end of the issue for me. Then you posted a couple of links to Iowa poachers on the web. I was confused as to your premise for posting them outside of the possibility you were trying to bait me. Looks like I was right. Perhaps you could elucidate on you post and I could then formulate a cogent reply.

About letting Iowans hunt on your land when you can’t, thank you. I did not follow that thread past the original post, again “perseverate” comes to mind.

I’m not sure if “Bonkercratic” was an attempt at just giving me a good natured hard time or an attempt to raise my ire.

If it was intended as a good natured ribbing, it is indeed a good one; it made me chuckle. If it was an attempt to elicit a response, well, here it is: I choose not to follow the dogma of any one ideology. I choose to think on my own and make decisions on my own that I feel are right for me, my family and my country. So if “Bonkercratic” fits, then it’s fine with me.

The ‘Bonker
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