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Ted Nugent Busted for Game Violations

Jdubs; we all know your feelings towards Iowa residents. If we're not poaching; we're bitching about the NR's who are. Why don't you sell your land in Iowa, and buy some prime whitetail property in Pennsylvania?
Bonker...you leave Jdubs no other choice but to throw rocks back at you just like you threw them back at me. Jdubs made a great point, it would have been totally different if Ted would have poached a 200+ buck over bait here in Iowa.
Jdubs made a great point, it would have been totally different if Ted would have poached a 200+ buck over bait here in Iowa.

I don’t agree. I am speaking for myself, but I think the overwhelming majority of members on this site think a poacher is a poacher is a poacher. Doesn’t matter who, what or where. I do not give Mr. Nugent a pass and I will never forget. Back to my thesis, America will forget because that is what we do. Today’s headlines are tomorrow’s forgotten memories. I choose not forget because I feel that those who choose to be in the forefront of anything need to do it right, do it better and do it with dignity, class and compassion. None of which I have seen in Mr. Nugent’s actions. It is my opinion that he should vanish into the ether but his ego, his need for funding and the industries need for a spokesman will overcome those of us that think he should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.

On a side note, and very sincerely, I think you built a kick butt blind. I’m not trying to curry favor, rather I am pointing out the obvious. It is unfortunate, given our exchange of posts, that I feel the need to state, in an obtuse manner, respect and admiration for your skills as a craftsman of hay bale blinds.

Isn’t it a dilemma when all of us agree on the most basic of premises and rabbit trails render us asunder? I guess that is just the way it is when passions run deep.

The ‘Bonker
I am gonna go ahead and say it, I don't think Uncle Ted does us as hunters a damn bit of good. Almost every hunter, and I know every non-hunter I have talked too, think the guy is off his rocker. He hunts over bait, high fences, and does nothing but throw in names of sponsors every 5 seconds of every show. Like others have said, hard to respect a guy that will pick up a weapon for money but won't pick one up to defend his country. Just my 2 cents.

I dont know what some of you are smoking, but I want some. For someone to say that the man has not done any good for hunters is just foolish and misinformed. He generates tons of money for the NRA, takes on the Anti's on all of the radio and television shows, stands up for all gun owners and fights to keep our second ammendment rights. But I guess thats nothing :thrwrck:
Yes, I agree that I dont condone his "style" of hunting, and yes, he made a mistake, but like Bronc said earlier, he made no excuses and paid the fine. To say that you dont like him because he has a TV show and a contractual obligation to his sponsors is, IMO a piss poor reason to hate someone, I guarantee if any of you were in that position you would feel differently than you do. I dont see any of you haters going on "politically incorrect", or Keith Olbermans show or the Rachel Maddow show and defend our rights as hunters and gun owners, and raise millions for the NRA, so I guess if you consider that nothing than I am missing something. You dont have to like the way he hunts or watch his show, or condone what he recently did, but atleast respect the man for all the good things he has done for this sport.
Well said Kratz.I don't think Ted is the worst example of what a hunter should be but I think he is the worst example that is in the public eye.I really don't like the idea that the non-hunting advocates think all hunters are like Ted Nugent.
Oh my Dedgeez you must be a backstrap blood brother.I personally don't need or want Ted Nugent standing up for my rights when he wouldn't even stand up for his country during the Viet Nam war.
I don't know any PETA people personally.I have never been to one of their meeting but let me assure you that Ted Nugent is the type of radical hunter that they use as an example.
Just because he has a lot of money and a big voice and gets paid a lot to go on those talk shows and rant and rave about gun rights make no difference to me.He IS NOT a hunter in my opinion.He is a game shooter.For all his trophies in his home not 10% were fair chase.Give me more Jim Shockey and his promotion of SCI and less Uncle Ted and I am a lot happier.
Aside from his lust to shoot everything that walks,,I get a kick out of how heplays all sides to bring in the $$$. On the one hand he has promoted Values of family and helping kids. On the otherhand he is a Rocker,,with songs like,CatScratch Fever.
.Give me more Jim Shockey .[/QUOTE said:
??????? I have watched some Jim Shockey bear videos and he walks right up to bears that have probably never seen a human before and shoots them (mostly with high powered rifles) and then pretends it was some difficult hunt. That's a joke as well IMO....not much different than pen hunting. Jim couldn't hold Ted's jock strap as far as influence in the hunting/ gun/ entertainment world goes. Go start your own band, sell 40+million records, and tour for over 40 years and then come talk to me. I realize a lot of people don't like Ted (and HE knows that) but people saying he has no influence and talent are totally clueless. Most of the keyboard jockey's on here would hide under a rock rather than take on the anti's in the media like Ted does.
??????? I have watched some Jim Shockey bear videos and he walks right up to bears that have probably never seen a human before and shoots them (mostly with high powered rifles) and then pretends it was some difficult hunt. That's a joke as well IMO....not much different than pen hunting. Jim couldn't hold Ted's jock strap as far as influence in the hunting/ gun/ entertainment world goes. Go start your own band, sell 40+million records, and tour for over 40 years and then come talk to me. I realize a lot of people don't like Ted (and HE knows that) but people saying he has no influence and talent are totally clueless. Most of the keyboard jockey's on here would hide under a rock rather than take on the anti's in the media like Ted does.
Well said! Ted's a showman, and loves doing it. I don't agree with his methods, but i'm glad he's on the right to bear arms side. I don't care much for any of these outdoor tv stars. That includes fishing shows such as Babe Winkleman. Hell; he even gets his wife involved with frying fish recipies! What do the other so called celebrities do for our sport besides advertise the next greatest camo or fishing lure? I use to idolize Noel Feather. He wasn't the man i thought he was either. You don't even hear about the first man to shoot four boone and crocket bucks with a bow anymore! But i'm pretty sure Ted won't go away. Love him or hate him; he does stand up to the tree huggers in this industry.
I think people need to read a bit more, I never mentioned one thing about the NRA and gun rights, I simply said I don' think he does us, as hunters, a damn but of good with his radical styles. As I mentioned before, most of the hunters and non-hunters I know laugh at the guy and say things like that dude is crazy, or this is a joke right, etc. when they watch his hunting shows. Regardless of paying his fine, blah blah blah, he knew he was violating a game law when he was hunting over bait, just like Jimmy Houston knew he was wrong hunting in a 3 acre pen. The only reason he owned up and paid the fine is because he didn't want things to get anymore carried out of hand. If you choose to put yourself in these positions, I do not want you representing our sport.

I said it before and I will say it again, I don't like the fact that he is displayed as the everyday man and everyday hunter, because he is far from it.

I applaud him for standing up for our rights and raising money for the NRA and to fight the antis, therer I can see eye to eye with people. But as far as hunting goes, I don't think he is a fair representation of hunters and what the hunting community is all about.

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Who cares if he sold 40 million records and toured for 40 years.That has nothing to do with his hunting skills or tactics.
As far as the California game law violations and owning up to it...it wasn't a mistake.That is the ONLY way he can hunt.OVER BAIT that all he knows.Yes he is a gun rights and hunting advocate.But for me I would much rather have someone standing up for my hunting rights that abides by the law.
I have an idea that he people on here standing up for Uncle Ted are under 30 and the ones on the other side of the fence are over 40.
OHH BTW....I can't stand Ted's music either.I am way past the rock and roll days.
After a quick google search:
Nugent was draft age during the Vietnam war. In the December 15, 1990 issue of the Detroit Free Press Magazine, Nugent was quoted as saying that 30 days before his draft board physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days, he ingested nothing but Vienna sausages and Pepsi; and a week before his physical, he stopped using bathrooms altogether, virtually living inside pants caked with his own excrement, stained by his urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment, he says. "... but if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd killed all the hippies in the foxholes...I would have killed everybody." In a 2006 interview published in The Independent, Nugent denies ever saying (or doing) that. According to Nugent's current website, he enrolled at Oakland Community College and took a student deferment When Nugent turned 30, in 1978, he began a relationship with a 17-year old Hawaiian girl, Pele Massa, and became her legal guardian to comply with laws pertaining to relationships with minors.[2] This was covered in VH1's 1998 Behind the Music featuring Nugent, and included an interview with Massa
How did he tour for 40 years with Cat Scratch Fever......He has other songs???..... LOL
Stands up for our gun rights, I'll give hime that, still a dork when it comes to hunting in my opinion. And not what I think is a good symbol of hunters. You know the anti-s will eat this violation by him hunting over bait alive, oh, and th fact he shot a deer that was not LEGAL.
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