Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

tell me about the Whisker Biscuit

I switched from the WB to a drop away last year and I feel I made a great decision. I think there are a couple of good reasons to use them (arrow not falling off, reasonably patternable, reliable). I was losing fletchings (and I shot blazers) because I shot a lot. And I feel I was losing some speed as well (I KNOW SPEED ISN"T EVERYTHING!!) I went with a fall away and have never had to worry about the arrow falling off AND I gained a lot of speed AND it seemed to be more accurate (to me).

I think if you can get the "groups" you want and if you're worried about your arrow falling off the rest, then go with one.

Bottom line is there are big deer taken with them, and big deer taken without them...for me, I choose not to use one...

Hope this helps
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WKP - Todd</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Drop aways are a craze for a reason - they solve a TON of issues with the current arrow rests.</div></div>

i agree, no "issues to clear up" there, plain and simple!!!
Good call Todd!
I have a WB right now on my back up bow. I can get it to paper tune with feather fletchings, but not plastic fletchings.
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