Templeton Lawsuit

I think they were deceptive, but I won't be joining the class action suit for the one bottle I purchased.
Well, I'm probably 20-30 bottles in and will probably still sip the stuff and could care less about the lawsuit. Shady indeed, but in our sport we all know how claims are, um, greatly exaggerated...#scentlok, scent blocker, ozonics, etc.
Templeton Rye widely publicized that they were moving their distillery out of Iowa a few years ago. Just another attempt at getting money. Also, if you are from the area or know anyone from the area, you know that it isn't the old, famous recipe that is their claim to fame.
Sure stinks thinking you were getting the genuine article. Is it different than other rye whiskeys??

The Indiana distillery they hired to produce their product used a rye recipe that was also sold under at least two other labels.
Be interesting to see the guy's names added to the class action list "Add me, I've drank over 1,000+ bottles of this stuff - at least a bottle a day!".
Class action suits have their place but be aware- the ones who generally walk away with the vast vast majority of the $ are the attorneys that file class action suits.
The Indiana distillery they hired to produce their product used a rye recipe that was also sold under at least two other labels.

I would be curious to know what those other labels are and what they cost. I like TR regardless of where it's ultimately made, never thought or cared about the back story but did like the idea of supporting an Iowa company. I think a price drop is in order.

Here is a link to a pretty comprehensive article on the whole thing. I think the article is what got a lot of peoples attention. Misleading marketing?...you bet. Good whiskey?...yes to that too. Pretty common?...yes again. Illegal and worth suing over?...not to me. If it upsets their customers and they quit buying it that will speak louder than any lawsuit. Free markets work pretty well and a LOT, if not all, marketing/advertising is full of crap.
Who cares? Iowa or Indiana. Good drink! Too many dirt bag lawyers with too much time on their hands looking for a handout. Nothing more than frivolous crap that clogs our legal system.
Templeton Rye widely publicized that they were moving their distillery out of Iowa a few years ago. Just another attempt at getting money. Also, if you are from the area or know anyone from the area, you know that it isn't the old, famous recipe that is their claim to fame.

I grew up in carroll county and no, it isn't nearly the same. The register article I read said they use a stock recipe from the distillery in Indiana and it's "mixed and bottled" in Templeton. I don't know what they mean by mixed but they must do something different otherwise TR wouldn't have won the awards they have and somebody would have noticed that it's the exact same as the other labels that use the stock recipe. Just my thoughts