Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Thanking my lucky stars...

Tomo, glad everything is OK! Maybe you should think about using the safety harness while on stage.
Tomo, Glad you came out OK. I fell from a stand 20 yrs ago this year, and had to have my bow arm surgically repaired (still have the plates in there). Hope everyone has a good harness and uses it everytime out. To everyone, have a safe season. Let's hear about hunting success stories, and not about injured hunters.
That's scary, glad to hear you're alright with the exception of the problems you pointed out, kind of lucky. Stories like that kind of give me the willies, I always strap on to the big aspens when I'm in aclimber but I too am not sure how to strap into a big old jackpine or whitet spruce, where my permanents sit. I've often wondered the outcome of what would happen if I fell from those, 25 feet up. I know I wouldn't walk away and the worse part is that I likely would never be found, that's how much solitude their is in the big woods I hunt. I always tell my wife where I'm going but short of the basic area she has no idea where my stands are, how do you guys let people know exactly where you are in case of an accident?
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