Old Buck
Life Member
Thanks for all your kind words. Young doe is impressed with warmth from so many folks in the Iowa Whitetail family. I think she is beginning to understand why so many of us spend so much time here among friends.
Muddy, congrat's on your 3 years. Love your sense of humor also.
Camoman, you got it!
Iowa1, young doe and I reached an agreement a number of years ago. I hunt about any time I want all fall and winter. The rest of the year she makes the decisions on where we will go eat out, which movies to go to and when and where to travel. We are going someplace in Mexico this spring but I've forgotten where. I'm sure it will be fun.
She picked Hawaii a few years ago. I thought real hard about the archery part but resisted and made it a straight family trip.
I know what you are saying!
Some of you might enjoy this. Here is a link to a story on one of our trips. The picture shows my daughter, doe fawn's first animal taken with a bow. http://www.dmregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050206/SPORTS10/502060371&SearchID=73198422092791
Thanks again,
Old Buck
Muddy, congrat's on your 3 years. Love your sense of humor also.
Camoman, you got it!
Iowa1, young doe and I reached an agreement a number of years ago. I hunt about any time I want all fall and winter. The rest of the year she makes the decisions on where we will go eat out, which movies to go to and when and where to travel. We are going someplace in Mexico this spring but I've forgotten where. I'm sure it will be fun.
She picked Hawaii a few years ago. I thought real hard about the archery part but resisted and made it a straight family trip.
I know what you are saying!
Some of you might enjoy this. Here is a link to a story on one of our trips. The picture shows my daughter, doe fawn's first animal taken with a bow. http://www.dmregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050206/SPORTS10/502060371&SearchID=73198422092791
Thanks again,
Old Buck