thanksgiving bucks


New Member
Ive heard alot of people say and read on here that they see thier biggest bucks around thanksgiving. Ive never hunted that late in November and if I dont tag out before then does anyone have any pointers for hunting that part of the month or do ya just use your go to rut strategy? Thanks!
I have specific farms/areas that light up this time of the year. But if you find the does you will find the bucks. Last year I saw one doe with 6 bucks in tow the day after thanksgiving. Its kinda that magical time when they are not back on food patterns, and they are all searching for that last doe wherever she might be. Best night I ever had in the stand was Nov 28th and we got a slight snow and I was sitting at a common funnel point that deer would move through from food to bed. Bucks came one after the other about every 15 min all cruising through searching for females.
Just like Westernsix said, find the does and you're in.

I've seen the oldest, biggest bucks around this time coming back through and getting the last of the does. I think Thanksgiving is similar to the beginning of November. I love it...

Matter of fact, I think the 10th through the 25th is the best time to be out...

Just my 2 cents.
Gladiator summed it up, mature bucks up on their feet looking for the last few does to be bred can equate to good hunting. May not be the most sightings but the best. Two biggest bucks I have killed or had chances at were on 11/17 and 11/19. 11/24/13 was my best date last season by far. Last season's bowkill was 11/24 with a bigger buck slipping past me on 11-24 also. Shot him on 12/30/12.
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I concur, mature buck pics pick back up starting the 20th of November for me. Thanksgiving can be a great time to put a big one down.
Cool, keep after the does then. Thanks fellas! I have a 4 day weekend so after grannies ill be in the tree. Regardless of if I shooty buck before hand. Got a doe to kill yet.
I killed my second biggest buck on Thanksgiving morning 4 years ago. He was cruising for the ladies! I would recommend hunting near doe bedding ares in the mornings and food sources in the evenings. Seems like every year i see a big deer out in an Agg field checking does this time of year...
This is also the time of year where that 10:00-2:00 are magical...all the mature deer have patterned the hunters and move during this time. Remember the small buck start early, and the mature store energy are running later ..
I shot my biggest buck last yr on 11/23 178". Saw another buck that was just as mature and in the same class herding a group of does, mid to late November has been my best hunting-
I have tagged out in Oct or the first weeks of November for many years now. Over Thanksgiving I always go out and try to fill a doe tag. Almost EVERY year I see bigger bucks than the one I shot a few weeks earlier. I almost wish work wouldn't let me take vacation until after Nov 15th, I might kill bigger ones:way:
I have let many 140 class bucks walk right under already this year- only because its still early November and this week Rut is going to take off in SW IA- it better be 155-160+ for me to even draw back before Turkeyday!
The first time I saw one of my "hitlisters" last year was Thanksgiving morning. Came to about 80 yards. Then I saw him again the following Saturday morning. Shot him that time, but messed that one up. Both mornings, he was following a doe. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to late November again this year.