Like I said, I farm and, I will say, I am very concerned many farmers (like MOST), engage in practices that "hurt" others.... Amount of soil loss & water quality issues is troubling & I see it every year, kinda sad. Almost every farm I see (I'm gonna GUESS 90%) had dozing take place to push out trees, farm closer to creeks, farm marginal land, etc in the past 1-4 years - having some negative impact on people downstream, wildlife, etc, etc, etc.
I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY FOLKS DO IT. I can't blame them on one hand, it's their livelihood. To make sure I'm not "bashing", I'll use my own family on this one.... My wife's side dozed out every last drop of trees & brush I used to try and push a couple pheasants out of. I was sitting there in the spring/early summer after the disced up all the fields aggressively and we had a 3-4" rain while I was there.... it was sad to see what the creeks looked like and how much soil you could see move down. I think it's human nature's "GREED" that impacts almost anyone in any area of life.....
All Farm Bureau is doing is passing forward that organized GREED. Whether good or bad, they have their agenda. Just like a UNION, Lobbying group, WHATEVER - each group is out for themselves and if other areas suffer, it generally is not part of their equation. They will "Grab as much as they can" in any regards. It's human nature. FB just happens to be extremely bad offenders and worse than many others, IMO.