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The Contender....who will win?


Life Member
Are any of you guys following "The Contender" on NBC? I've been watching it and I'll have to say I think it's pretty darn good testosterone loaded show. So if you're a viewer, who do you think is going to end up winning? I'm having a "split decision" myself. I like Jesse but after tonight I'm not sure if he's got the desire to be the champ. Alfonso has a lot of fight in him, he might be the lion killer. But then there's ugly Peter with the face only a boxer could have and a mother could love. It would be kind of ironic if he won since they brought him back after a loss.

So, who's it gonna be?
I have been following it religously. I thought Anthony was going all the way. He got schooled last night. He had the desire just didn't fight the smart fight. I like them all but hope Peter takes it. Fonzo is funny and the butt kicking he gave the pretty boy had me jumping in my seat. It's a great show.
I'd have to say Alfonzo as well. I don't think we've even seen what he is capable of. Ahmed was to worried about something happening to his face and wouldn't really box, if you noticed after the match the only thing he was worried about was his face and saying he was still pretty.
Everytime they show fonzzo sparing you see him beating the crap out of the sparing dummies, and then you see them quit, because he's hitting to hard!!
"I've been watching it and I'll have to say I think it's pretty darn good testosterone loaded show. "

I'd say estrogen with all the crying and what not!
I think Alfonso has it but they're all lucky Sugar Ray Leonard doesn't come out of retirement and whoop them all.
So far Alfonso has impressed and surprised me (and everyone else) the most. I think he could be the last man standing in the end.

I also think Jesse got sooo LUCKY last nite and although some are making him out to be some kind of master strategist, I think when he fights someone who doesn't fight with so much emotion he forgets not to leave himself open as Anthony did (Damn, I wanted him to win!)he just may be lookin' up at the lights instead of at the million dollars too!

Although it isn't getting the ratings, I think it's a well done show and kudos to Sly, Sugar & Mark Burnett for obviously spending the bucks and TRYING to make it a "classy" representation of a very unglamorous sport.
You're right about Jesse getting lucky. Anthony was putting on a clinic by the third round and one uppercut saved Jesse's behind. I wonder how much better, if any, Jesse would have fought if he hadn't needed to drop so much weight a day before the fight. I remember having to make weight before a wrestling match after Thanksgiving break. Leaves you feeling like a rung out dish rag.

You guys could be right about Alfonso taking home the $$$Million$$$. He seems like a very determined and deserving young man.

The Contender

DOR, I'd probably cry too if I just lost my chance at a $1,000,000.00, not to mention getting beat up.
I'm hooked on this show as well ... I think will it will be Sergio and Peter the finals - "The Latin Snake" winning it all
DOR, I'd probably cry too if I just lost my chance at a $1,000,000.00, not to mention getting beat up

I'm hooked on this show as well ... I think will it will be Sergio and Peter the finals - "The Latin Snake" winning it all

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey, I think you edited that post. I'm almost postitive you had another guy "winning it all."

Sergio sure put the whoop on poor ol' Peter last night. After seeing how cocky and arrogant Sergio has gotten I would have loved seeing his head knocked out of the ring. All that mouthing at Peter's corner and then licking the blood of his glove, what the heck was that all about? I was hoping this show would bring some credibility back into boxing but I think it might have back fired.

The fight between Jessie and Alfonso was a suprise to me. I thought Jessie would throw to many hard punches for Alfonso to handle. The little Mexican is a beast.
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