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The Count Down.....


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
And not till October 1 either....

My wife and I are expecting #2 by no later than this time next week....

Kathryn is quite large and uncomfortable.... I actually look skinny next to her... hahahahahahaaha :thrwrck: (sorry dear)

She has had several mild contractions but nothing consistent yet....

we have our last appt. on Friday, and if she is dialated to 3-5 cm, then the DR said he would induce.... so as early as this weekend we could have #2....

I can't remember if I mentioned this on here or not... but we are having a girl.... I'm scared..... :confused:

I will keep this updated for the remainder of the pregnanacy, it could be any time!
I hope God's caring hand is close to both of your ladies guys. Good luck and hope all turns out fine.
#1 starts her senior year next week. #2 will begin her 7th grade year and #3 moves to 5th grade for the beginning of his middle school years.

Hearing all this talk about expecting parents brings back great memories as we begin to think about the process of them leaving us. Best of all to you new parents...even though it may not seem like it, these truly are the best times of your lives :way:

Congrats Thomas and Nanny. My first is due September 1st and will be a girl as well. Starting to get a little crazy around the house!!!! I already have a pink 22 cricket sitting in the gun cabinet though :)
I'd be scared too!!!

Just kidding. MIne are only 3 and 5 yet I somedays think about how much I'll miss these days. They're just like the dog the way they blast out to meet me when i come home from somewhere.

Your world will get more hectic yet you'll wake up days wondering where time has went.

Good luck with everything, life will take care of it all.
Tomorrow is the big day!

We check into the hospital at 7:15 AM and will be meeting our daughter sometime tomorrow.... hopefully sooner than later!

I will post an update at some point and hopefully some pix.

any prayers are apprecaited!
Well Nanny, I didnt hear about you... So by the time you read this you will have a little one CONGRATS.

Thomas, I remeber reading somewhere on here that you had another one coming and remeber thinking it would be around Laborday. Anyways, prayers and positive thoughts sent your way.
Nanny I hope everything has gone well with you and your family.

Thomas, good luck brother!

Prayers sent to both of you and your families!
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