Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The end of the trail.

We have a bunch of eagles working the river. Would a hawk be be big enough to pic up a rabbit? The wing mark is pretty small but maybe its just the tips.
I had something similar to that two years ago in my back yard. Except the hawk had killed the rabbit right on the ground and ate it there. There was blood all over in about a 1 square foot area. That was on a fresh snow too.
Would a hawk be be big enough to pic up a rabbit?

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I'm sure a hawk could, and just this weekend I had an owl fly over the road at night carrying a nice hopper.

Pretty cool picture!
Here is a what it looked like if you had been there. This is a Harris hawk chasing a bunny. This bunny got away but this hawk, named Clarise, has taken over 100 rabbits this year. I have a friend who flys hawks several times a week. A Harris hawk is about the same size as a redtail.

That is one beautiful bird!

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Thats exactly what I was thinkin. I bet those aren't on every fence post like a Redtail.
Could a guy train one to pick up sheds? Man , think of the ground he could cover and his vision ain't bad either!
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