Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Giant of Griswold

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Congrats to the hunter! We guessed him at 188 from our encounters and pics so when somebody hears a gross score post it please
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Congrats to the hunter. I hope you mount this deer and truly appreciate the deer for what he is; a world class buck. Not everyone gets to even see one like that in their lifetime let alone pull the trigger on one. Kyle looks like we'll have to start the search for the next B&C caliber buck to hunt.

the split g2 is correct but that's about it...
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Looks similar to me. Brown with antlers. LUVERHUNTER I think teenage thought that was the deer Erick was hunting and Erick is pointing out that the only similar thing is the split G2. One other difference is that the other one is confirmed dead. This one may still be alive.
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Ya the original story caused a huge misunderstanding. Everything was legit and what a deer! What a first hunt for the guy.
After hearing all the guys on hear that hunt around that area, man, I am shocked I never ran into any of you guys. I have family farms around the Grant area... small world..
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