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The Gov and Drury's together ??

I think what we need to do here real soon is record the number of available doe tags that are left. If I was a sneaky politician I would look at wasn't sold per county at the end of the year, then I would reduce the quota by that much. The net sum of deer shot would be the same as the year before and so would the revenue. Hunters most likely would not catch this and they will look like the hero for "Lowering Tag Numbers" because technically they did even though the year before they weren't sold out.
I'm sure not many if anyone on here personally know either the Drurys or Branstad. Say what you want but the Drury's are most definately passionate about deer and deer hunting which can't be a bad thing. They live and breath whitetail year round. As far as the gov, didn't he start the whole govenor hunt thing back when he was in office in the late 80s or early 90s. He has always been an outdoorsman if I'm not mistaken. Definately didn't see either of our last two govenors out hunting, more like PETA rallies. Haters only hate the fact that they don't have the time or resources to do what the Drurys are doing.
i agree, and also can branstand or any elected official afford to piss off the FB??? no. i dont think that any of them should have a say in hunting bag limits, tags or seasons it should be soley up to the dnr and the biologists who actually have a fair idea of whats going on. As far as the drurys i really enjoy their shows, learn a lot from them and they are very dedicated family guys with our same passion for hunting so why hate on fellow hunters who are out there putting a good face on our sport and trying to bring new people in.
I'm sure not many if anyone on here personally know either the Drurys or Branstad. Say what you want but the Drury's are most definately passionate about deer and deer hunting which can't be a bad thing. They live and breath whitetail year round. As far as the gov, didn't he start the whole govenor hunt thing back when he was in office in the late 80s or early 90s. He has always been an outdoorsman if I'm not mistaken. Definately didn't see either of our last two govenors out hunting, more like PETA rallies. Haters only hate the fact that they don't have the time or resources to do what the Drurys are doing.

I totally agree. Our current gov is more of an outdoorsman than any of his predecessors, and would not pass judgement of the current deer population based on one hunt on one particular farm, regardless who it was with.The govenors deer hunt was abolished shortly after vilsack came into office, and it is Branstad that would ever be the one to ever bring it back. The fact of the matter is that hunters are the real management tool, not the DNR.Its plain and simple, if you arent seeing an overabundance of does on your property, DONT KEEP SHOOTING THEM,regardless of the amount of available tags. We all know some farms in Iowa still need many does harvested, while others are at sustainable levels or possibly in need of a population increase due to overharvesting. Just because you can buy the tags doesnt mean you need to use them if unnecessary. Its ridiculous for people to come down on the gov and the drurys for participating in such a hunt. I mean really... bash someone for harvesting a deer on a professional hunters farm, given the chance any of us would have jumped at the opportunity.From what Ive seen in the ten farms I manage and hunt in northern and central Iowa, the deer population is far from declining, atleast in our areas. Grow up, and quit coming down and pointing fingers at others because of your mismanaged hunting grounds.:moon:
It is true,,the people shooting does have the impact, not the Gov or deer farms, but the rules and regs are controled by polititcians. We can hope all will be well, and put on our rose colored glasses, but I am a realist,,and sorry, some what of a pessimist,,by nature. I do think it is hypocritical for, one who believes more does should be shot, to go and shoot a buck. I do not hate anyone either,,or am green with envy. I have hunted on one of those "Deer Farms". Three Thousand acres in South Dakota. It was an incredible sight! Let's just watch and see what the Gov says and does next about next season. Then we will know. Were the rosy hopefuls right/or the pessimists?
Branstad owns his own little deer sanctuary where it shouldn't be too tough to get a shot at a good buck or to shoot a pile of does. Of course, walking out his back door on his own lto hunt doesn't get any PR, as compared to doing it with hot-shot TV types where it is filmed, replayed on cable or DVD's, blogged about, then debated on various outdoor related websites. Hmmm, wonder what his motivation was???

When you are a Governor you will get to do things that most people will never do! I guess I would say give him credit for asking and securing a hunt on one of the top whitetail farms in the nation!
I wonder which celebrities the Drurys' want on their next production? Think they'll have any problem getting governor's tags for them? I don't hate the players one bit, but sometimes I do hate the game!
A few thoughts:
-As governor it would probably have been more appropriate for Branstad to hunt some of our public lands. Perhaps he'd have had the opportunity to run into a bunch of other hunters and try to make the best of a crowded hunt.
-It would be funny if the press could get a comment from somebody at the Iowa Farm Bureau re: the governor shooting a buck instead of a doe. The 'stache isn't practicing what he was preaching when he talked about reducing deer numbers by shooting does.
-The Drury's are an institution. I don't like that one organization can have so much power over the hunting industry, politicians, and even DNR policy. Let's all hope they're using their superpowers for good, not evil.
I'm sure not many if anyone on here personally know either the Drurys or Branstad. Say what you want but the Drury's are most definately passionate about deer and deer hunting which can't be a bad thing. They live and breath whitetail year round. As far as the gov, didn't he start the whole govenor hunt thing back when he was in office in the late 80s or early 90s. He has always been an outdoorsman if I'm not mistaken. Definately didn't see either of our last two govenors out hunting, more like PETA rallies. Haters only hate the fact that they don't have the time or resources to do what the Drurys are doing.
Yes this is nothing new for Branstad when in office. He always had an annual pheasant hunt and deer hunt. His deer hunts were always with Tony Knight of Knight Rifles at that time and were taped for several outdoors shows.
I know if the gov would have hunted with me this year I would have walked the stache off him trying to find him a deer to shoot. Him going to Drury's and hunting would hardly give him an accurate picture of the "state of the Iowa deer herd". Talking to that guy would be like talking to a wall.
so if our governor had shot a doe would that make it better?

I think it's pretty cool he's a hunter/went hunting. A lot better than having a desk-jockey who is completely dis-interested in the sport.

That said, I agree, I don't think he got the "real" insight into the actual deer population by going to Drury's game farm...but it's opened up the debate, so maybe he'll open his ears.
Personally I don't think the governor gives a rats @$$ about the deer population and even if he did. He's got to many lobbying groups that are gonna make his decisions for him. His hunt with the Drury's was probably solely about public relations. He knows how many people like/watch the drurys and how dumb some people are to believe everything they see/hear. Now a bunch of hunters will think he's an awesome Governor for going out and shooting a deer. Then this spring when the DNR tries to get legislation passed to elimate the doe seasons and reduce doe tags HE WILL VETO the bill again. But nobody hears why the doe seasons didn't get dropped unless your informed like most of us (thank you IBA) AND Governor Branstad is still COOL because he shot a buck with the Drury's. YEE HAA
JJohnson is right. U know- I bet he asked to hunt partially because he caught so much justified heat from hunters last year. I think he did this as PR and a lot had to do with uproar by hunters (who r voters too) to soften em up- I think he heard a lot of complaints last yr. Im cynical but think most of this stuff is calculated and motive driven. I guess that obvious in politics but feel it applies here too. Not all of this is bad but my cynical side understands the situation here
Personally I don't think the governor gives a rats @$$ about the deer population and even if he did. He's got to many lobbying groups that are gonna make his decisions for him. His hunt with the Drury's was probably solely about public relations. He knows how many people like/watch the drurys and how dumb some people are to believe everything they see/hear. Now a bunch of hunters will think he's an awesome Governor for going out and shooting a deer. Then this spring when the DNR tries to get legislation passed to elimate the doe seasons and reduce doe tags HE WILL VETO the bill again. But nobody hears why the doe seasons didn't get dropped unless your informed like most of us (thank you IBA) AND Governor Branstad is still COOL because he shot a buck with the Drury's. YEE HAA

yeah, don't get me wrong...I agree with you 100%. I'm just saying at least Brandstad go out of the office, do you think Big Fat Chet Debt would've?

I know it's a wolf in lamb's skin scenario...and I support IBA:way:
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So I guess he should have shot a doe?? Then he would have been crucified because he shot a deer that is going to provide 2 fawns next spring.
Or if he did hunt on public land and was successful, then the haters would say he should have hunted private due to all his connections and shouldn't have taken a deer some public hunter would have liked to have taken.
Or worst yet for the haters, maybe he should have taken a doe on public ground!!! Man, can you imagine the fire-storm that would have created!!!!
Maybe we would be better with an anti in office??? Didn't we have a dove season this year?
I don't think he is that warped that he thinks farms where people manage the deer are 'the norm'.
Some people just can't be made happy.
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