Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The highs & lows

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I have 2 long stories but in short me and my good friend Matt had some ups and downs this season.

I rushed a shot on a deer that came running in when I did some aggressive calling on a morning hunt. I did the wrong thing by not stoping him for the shot and hit him way back. We found him 52 hrs later.


My good friend Matt was able to get a shot on his target buck, but a little buck fever set in and he also shot his buck way back. We were able to find him nearly a week later. He green scored 160 3/8 gross as an 8.



So all in all thing could have been much worse for both of us.
I have to add a thank you to 77crew for putting me on the deer that I took and then take the time to help me recover him.
It is alittle bigger than the deer I put him on a few years back. Known as the circling buck.:D
Was glad to do it , but not so sure now ! The circling blind deaf and dumb buck would be closer to the truth tho !:moon:
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