I wasn't going to respond to this post but then you started being classy and making posts about where guys are from, so:
As far as us big buck experts bitching about things you called this "aficionado"
out so now I will lay it out there. I was simply making a statement that despite these deer having cool racks the harvest photos don't do much for me. I enjoy seeing your photos of the deer as they are growing and to see their potential in these environments, and I appreciate the research that these areas have provided, although I don't know how relevant most of the research is since again these are not free ranging animals and their environment protects them from everything until the day they are shot. Howerver, I don't appreciate the harvest photos, that fact that these deer are dead do nothing for hunting, they provide no valuable information about a buck or deer herd that you couldn't obtain by other means, thus I think guys holding a game farm buck up for a hero shot are lame.
Personally, I see high fence operations as black eye to the hunting industry. I think it shows laziness and taking the easy way out. You have guys that go there to kill a deer of a lifetime becuase they can't get it done in the wild. These guys put in zero time scouting, patterning deer, hanging stands, basically learning how to hunt. The only thing they have to accomplish is putting an arrow in a target which is going to show up eventually. If you ask me that is lazy, and promotes that if you have a lot of money you can kill a big deer. It is nothing more than a slaughter house, but in this case you are promoting that it is hunting and it brings down what a real hunt is all about.
The high fence operations then allow the so called "pros" to come in and kill deer and pimp products, making it seem like the cruncher was a good idea, further running up the cost of our sport.
I also believe they are a high source for disease and even though people will argue to the death that High Fences haven't been confirmed in the spread of CWD in the whitetail herd, I don't think it is a coincidence that we have seen an increase in CWD correlating with an increase in the number of deer farms, even while wild deer numbers around the US are on the decline.
If you believe that shooting a deer on a 400 acre high fence area is a hunt then I guess your definition of a hunt is different than 99.9% of us. Every animal on that farm has had human interaction, through feeding, supplements etc. Humans are not a threat to those animals as well as other predators. So it really isn't a big deer being a big deer, it is a big deer being a Cocker Spaniel. I have seen guys simply walk around on fairly large tracts of high fence property and shoot a deer, seems more like going to McDonalds to shoot a fat guy then anything else, everntually it is gonna happen and that is not how I like to see hunting portrayed. I would much rather see people read articles and journals etc. from some of the guys on here that poured 100s of hours into prep work, scouting, etc. and reached their goal of harvesting an animal.
I guess what is really pathetic is all the guys who go on these hunts and then post pictures like they shot a free ranging deer. They remove ear tags or hide them with a knee or hand (real proud of that harvest aren't we). If they truly didn't care they would post the animal and say I shot this guy in a high fence, at least then I would have more respect for them as they wouldn't be trying to pull a fast one and make guys think it is a wild buck.
Oh and if you get lost on that 400 acres again you can just walk the nearest deer trail to the feeder and then take the atv trail to the main gate, should get you out of there in less than 5 minutes