Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Killing Corner


PMA Member
The Title say's it all. The boys have now killed 8 turkeys in this spot over the last 4 years! Saturday morning we had zero gobbling on the roost. After about 20 minutes of calling a heard 2 gobbles not far away. After another set of calls they were on their way. 2 toms saw the decoys and came in on a string and Drew made a great shot!
25lbs 1.25 spurs and 9.5 beard. We left the blind set up so I took Lane back that evening. It was windy and we were not hearing any birds and not seeing any birds. At 6:45 Lane told me to start packing up and maybe that would bring us some luck. Well that is exactly what happened! I was putting stuff back in the bag when Lane said dad turkeys! 2 Jakes came out and walked right in to the decoys. Lane Shot and bird number 2 was down! 2 birds down on opening day! Got to love that!!!

Congrats can't wait to start hunting with my son!!
I started hunting with my dad a long time ago, then went on to hunt with a couple buddies, made some memories to last a lifetime! Now I do 90% of my hunting with my 8 yr old! I can tell you that in the last 2 years we have made some awesome memories! There is nothing like seeing the look on a kids face with a successful oportunity (even if not a harvest or fish caught) or hearing some of the ?'s that come out of kids mouth!!!
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