Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

the name game!

I was struggeling for a username on ebay and just typed it for lack of a better one. Simply put "I know it stinks" but it is my last name + bow because if it deals with archery it is my passion. I catch more grief because of it's lack of originality. I kind of stole it from "edersbow" as well. I was going to use Pud, but I figured that would offend somebody. Hell call me anything you want....chances are I've been called worse.
The name I chose to use is what folks around here call my favorite buck thats on my wall. Look at the way the beam ends form big "shovels". That's why I use Shovelbuck.
I love to hunt Iowa... everything in Iowa (that is legal of course) The promiseland... I hunt mostly from the North West to the South West. cool thought.. thanks for asking.
I use game cameras and woodseye seemed to describe it the best.

no big deal with my name just my initial's plus my last name plus my very youthful age of 48
When I started posting on trapping and hunting message boards a few years ago, I just took the name Iowa1 and it stuck. As you can see I was one of the earliest members of this site, and I am a frequent visitor. I lived in Iowa for 28 years, and I'll always be an Iowan, despite living in MN now.
BW-That sure doesn't look like you!!

Don is first name, Wellman is last name.
My wife and I both hunt and she likes to look on as I go through this site every night. This will be her first season with the bow, she is shooting my old Mathews and pulling back 54 lbs. and shooting very good. I thought that was a pretty sound move giving her my old bow so I could go out and buy the Legacy. Good luck to everyone this season!!!!

Even though there 0-4 the VIKINGS WILL STILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL. And I have thought that ever since I was born. And will until Jesus takes me up to his Viking heaven!!

Shovel that buck is awsome!!!
Hi all, first time posting but I've been an avid reader for some time now. Great site! My user name isn't very original it's simply the bow I shoot...the buckmaster G2, thus G2shooter
Madison County boone & crockette. Lot of heartbreak invovled here, but just seeing that fella was worth it.

PS: The same Woodseye from huntingforums.com?
Mine sounds simple,but does have a story behind it.Being from Tama co. and living near the Meskaki Indian,a indian friend told me a story of a beautiful indian woman that was at a powwow and 2 men wanted to talk to her to find out who she was as no one had ever seen her before.As they got closer to her she ran away into the woods.The 2 men could not catch up to her and lost sight of her.So,they started to follow her tracks.In doing so it took them far into the woods and they noticed her footprints started to change.Her footprints started to look like deer prints.They never did find her and thought it to be very myserious so the 2 men went and talked to the elders and told them about what had happened.The elder men told the 2 younger men that she was fast,myserious,rarely seen and very beautiful and that she was called deerwoman.
I always liked that story and took the (wo) out and came up with deerman.Part man part deer.
I used whitetail fantasies this is the name of my outfitting buisness, we named it that do to the fact that a lot of guys dream about the perfect hunts and pursuing the whitetail. We are a small outfitter but have a great sucsess rate .
Roger Miller did a song called guitarzan, and I'm a guitar player in a Bluegrass band..............so I stole it for a handle. That brings two of my hobbies together....Bluegrass music and hunting!
What a cool thread!!
Well, I could tell you then I'd have to kill you. Actually it started about 20 years ago and has nothing to do with fishing. Well kinda I guess.

At the time I was a paramedic. We used to have alot of students ride with us. One night we were responding to a fequent flyer who has psuedo seizuers, he fakes them. Of course our student didn't know this. We get to his cardboard box and he is flopping around like a fish outa water. I looked at the student, handed her my mag lite and said you better bonk that fish. She did......Thats pretty close to the story, as close as I wanna get. I'm not sure what the statute of limitations of this is.

The 'Bonker

Do you know why Iowa doesn't have a professional football team?

Because then Minnesota would want one too...

Seriously, I too have been a die hard vikes fan since having my picture taken at the training camp years ago with Billy "boom boom" Brown, Dave Osborn and most of the "purple-people-eaters". However, this Moss guy makes me so sick that I'm about to give up on 'em until they trade that bum. Good Hunting All!
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