Not that I disagree with anything stated above, I too have an appreciation for the 'old way', but this conversation has been going on since the dawn of time. It's just a matter of at what time a given generation draws the line in the sand and says 'this is as much technology I'm willing to have in my life'. Even with the Amish, or Mennonite communities, their lives were still much different 100 years ago than they are today (relative to their lifestyle of course), and I'm sure the elders say the exact same thing as what we are discussing here.
Nothing is untouched by technology, and you cannot escape it, nor should you chastise those that use it. It just is, the way it is. There will always be those that embrace technology, and those that cherish the traditional ways. But those that embrace technology today, will eventually draw their own line in the sand.
Marketing is certainly a lot better these days as well. People know you want things before you even know it. You are constantly being bombarded by advertisements that are generated from an algorithm that says since you like these things, or have looked at certain merchandise on the internet, you would like this thing as well. Ever notice what items are advertised on this website in the header above? Pretty similar to what you've been looking at on the internet?
Point is, enjoy whatever you do, and don't criticize others for how they are doing what they enjoy doing as long as it is within their rights. You wont change their minds on what technology is acceptable to them. They have to make that decision on their own. There are going to be rotten apples out of any bunch that will spoil things for everyone, that too is for sure.
I do hope to make my own longbow in the next 2 years though.

Good luck pursuing game this year however you choose to do it!