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The ONE that got away

Jdubs, you nailed it! He happens to be very similar to my first trophy at 15 years old. Although I think yours is a 10-15 year old on the decline and I'm pretty sure mine was 1.5. While only 1.5 he was a very wise youngster. He walked past me sideways for a log time, carefully hiding his 3" rack behind his ears. He eventually faltered and turned his head. Six shots from a 35 Remington later he was mine. For some reason the elders at camp were so impressed that they named him "swiss cheese". My only regret is I did not have enough money to get him mounted back then. $$$:(
Jdubs, you nailed it! He happens to be very similar to my first trophy at 15 years old. Although I think yours is a 10-15 year old on the decline and I'm pretty sure mine was 1.5. While only 1.5 he was a very wise youngster. He walked past me sideways for a log time, carefully hiding his 3" rack behind his ears. He eventually faltered and turned his head. Six shots from a 35 Remington later he was mine. For some reason the elders at camp were so impressed that they named him "swiss cheese". My only regret is I did not have enough money to get him mounted back then. $$$:(

I am pretty certain I saw your buck and jdubs on the back of milk cartons.
Forkie sticks out for me in 2015. Shoulda/woulda killed this deer so many times. I think I saw him 5 or 6 days in a row, sometimes for 8 hours a day.

There have probably been a couple higher scoring deer that got away, but for me Forkie is THE ONE.

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This one wowed the camera in mid-Oct 2016. On 11/14 he had broken off his main right beam and then shortly after that day, he was harvested at a neighboring property. I don't know if any of the neighbors or the hunter who shot him knew what he looked like before breaking off that extra main beam.

I've had lots of single pictures of random monsters, but this was the guy I was actually in the game with. The picture of him in daylight I was in a stand about 400 yds away. Wanted to sit by this cam, but the wind wasn't perfect. Saw him the next day but no luck. Never found out what happened to him.

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This guy was on a small property I got permission to last year. I only had him on camera two or three times but played my cards right and mid November I thought I had him dead but he caught me drawing (quartering towards me, tiny tree, and not far off the ground didn't help anything). I never saw him again or got another picture of him but I know he didn't spend much time on that property anyway. Hopefully he made it and will be around this fall.


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This one was 8.5 last year. When he was 7.5 he showed up regular last few nights of ML... had a friend I said could hunt him & he “couldn’t make it”.
Last year he came out late ML again but he dropped both antlers! 9.5 this year- be interesting if he’s still around. He’s not a major scoring deer but years of history.

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This one was 8.5 last year. When he was 7.5 he showed up regular last few nights of ML... had a friend I said could hunt him & he “couldn’t make it”.
Last year he came out late ML again but he dropped both antlers! 9.5 this year- be interesting if he’s still around. He’s not a major scoring deer but years of history.

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The buck I called Lefty was a bully. I had him under 60 yards at least 4 times in three different seasons and he managed to always stay just out of range. When he finally did get into range, I was so focused on getting an arrow off I rushed the shot and hit him poorly. Next to no penetration yielded a flesh wound.

Not a giant racked buck but a dominant bully buck and the one that has toyed with me more than any other animal. The second image is the last one I got of him back in 2018 when I guessed him at 7.5 yrs old . I saw him again that fall tending a doe at 250 yards across a field. He was a no show in 2019.

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Man, I thought I was chasing big bucks until I saw what you guys are hunting!

These pics are from last year which is my second year as an Iowa resident. Hook, the double main beam buck never showed himself in hard antler on cam or during daylight, only while in velvet, May-July. I did manage to get a nightime picture of him in early Sept but it's hard to see. The neighbors jumped him in a low and wet area during the Dec shotgun season so hopefully he survived. The next buck, a big ten, made into Feb for sure with pictures to prove it. I'm trying to get the drop on him now. The third buck, an 11 point, died sometime in March in hard antler. He was alive and seemed healthy in Jan and Feb. I did get his rack and had him aged. I surprised to learn he was 4.5 yrs old. Keep the pictures rolling.....this never gets old!

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Did this deer disappear? His BODY looks like one I shot 2-3 years ago.... run down and super thin.... after I shot him- we pulled him out- he was I think 7.5 years old and dressed around 130 lbs. he had diarrhea bad. Buddies who are vets said he was “sick” for sure (host of things from digestion to parasites to who knows what) & had I not shot him- would not have lived.
As you can see in the picture he has some swollen feet and is super thin. I had a couple pictures of him when he was healthy earlier that year and he was a giant bodied deer. He disappeared and I only got a couple pictures of him until after shotgun season ended and the beginning of late season muzzleloader. By this time he was in the condition He is in the picture. I found the left rack laying in my timber 60 yards from the camera. I spent many hours trying to find the other half but couldn’t find it.
I figured he was going to die but never found a deer carcass resembling him anywhere. I never saw the deer in any hunting seasons after that either.

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