This story starts back in march when i got a new piece of ground t0 shed hunt. Found a lot of antlers, the landowner was gracious enough to allow me to bow hunt this season. Prodigy was the very first deer I had on camera, which really got a fire lit under me to figure him out. He ended up flying under the radar from September 10th until October 26th when I had my first encounter with him. He came by twice that night, and I never was able to squeeze a shot off. I was hunting a natural funnel that lead to a 160 acre cornfield from some pretty pristine river bottom ground. The field was being combined, and I had a good amount of deer coming through. On October 28th I passed a couple solid mid 140 class deer, one was a mainframe 8 with a 7-8" drop. Not an easy decision, but I had decided it was make or break on the Prodigy buck. The evening of the 29th felt like the perfect night. 10 degree drop since the previous day, perfect wind, rising pressure, and the combine was finishing up while I was climbing in the stand. I had previously decided not to film that night, but I had my camera equipment with me so I figured it couldn't hurt anything to set it up. Had a few small bucks come through, and had 5 does inside 20 yards feeding around down wind. I have been using a product called "Scent Thief" and let me tell you, it is amazing. I spray it on my boots, my scent trail, and spray some on the ground down wind. It completely robs a deer's sense of smell, amazing product. Well anyway, i hear some grunting coming through the thick stuff and it's him. He walks right next to my previous stand location and is coming towards the does. I draw back as he walks into 25 yards broadside, just as i am about to stop him, he takes off after the does and pushes her into the thick stuff to my east. As I'm sitting there frustrated, he makes a big circle and comes back through. I got the camera on him, and stopped him at 19 yards. Smoke. Called a few buddies and waited for dad to get home from Minnesota. Let him sit for 3.5 hours and the coyotes had already started on him (I have already killed 2 down there this season!) Nearly a mile drag had us sore this morning, but it was a memory I will never forget!