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The Rut?


New Member
Hey, I am kind of new to IW but have been hunting for 10 years or so. Recently we moved from NW Iowa to the Des Moines area and bought a house right outside of Des Moines City limits. Our place is in a very wooded area, but there is still alot of development around us. I saw a lot of movement in mid-October but the movement has all but stopped now. Where do you guys think we are at as far as the rut goes? Maybe urban deer just behave differently?

I sort of thought we should be in the thick of it, but I have been sitting out there for the past week and have seen practically nothing. I rattled in a small eight on Tuesday, but since then nothing. I am rattling, bleating and grunting but I haven't gotten any responses.
Yea I know, yesturday I saw five bucks in one night; while the day before I saw one lonely doe... I'd pay attention to where ur at, remember deer are on the move and that they aren't gunna necessarally come into the same area at the same time.. So maybe u should do alittle scoutin around for some possible alternitive areas so hunt.. Might be as simple as sittin on the other side of the timber or where ever your hunting... Also don't over due your calling, I had visual comformation of the deer in my area and they wouldn't even move if I started calling, they almost acted like they were taken back by it... I'd just focus on rattling right now, then next week I'd start usin the grunts and bleats; it all just depends on what kinda movement your gettin in your area.
I have noticed little movement here in MN as well. Sat and Sunday were lights out but the week was very slow. We had the gun season going all week so that may have had a little effect. But Wisconsin was slow as well.
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