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the shrinker buck


New Member
hey all i am new to this site and love it so far it is much better than archery talk i also come with so many questions i hope someone can answer here it is i had my cuddyback out this fall and kept getting photos of this buck


LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE RUB HE MADE he was there everyday checkin up on it i didnt want to shoot him so i never hunted over his rub but come winter time when the food got short he started getting smaller with his body and his rack here is the photo of him i got in late february with his brother he is on the left i call him shrinker buck cause for 4 years straight he has done this to me


just wondering what you guys think my dad said it has to do with evolution and adaption to hunters and mankind thanks everyone
You are kidding right??? First of all those are not the same deer. Second once a deer looses its velvet his rack does not grow or shrink until the following year when he sheds and grows another set of antlers. And last but not least I dont think you could have four years worth of pictures on any of those deer as they are not that old yet
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Second pics are Feb 08, they were donning the previous year's rack still. First pic was Oct 08, different headgear so shrinkage, although not a reality, is disproved most easily by the date stamp on the pics. Not sure any of the deer are the same and I somewhat doubt he made that rub. Could have been a "community" rub where several bucks, including him used it however. Not saying it's impossible, just seldom seen a buck of that caliber make a rub of that caliber.

Looks like you are getting pics of various young deer. Be patient and you'll learn alot from the members here. There is a lot of info here if you have the time to search it out. Do some searches on aging and antler growth.

Looks like you've done well with your camera.....
Those are most likely different deer. Sometimes when whitetails are younger its hard to distinguish them from one another.

Nice photos though, and thanks for sharing!
hahahahahaha! ROTF LOL It's ok, last year I shot a 150 inch buck and when I got up to him he had shrunk to 125. I call him the "really fast shrinker buck". Sorry....I'm a jerk.
if you look carfully you will see some very specific characteristical markings on this deer and that is how i knew it was always him he has one white patch under his neck that his brother buck that i see with him all the time has two most of the deer on the farm have two and he only has one i know its the same one his throat was bigger in the fall and it got smaller just like his rack i am going to ask my biology teacher at school and see what he has to say
sorry about the dates of the camera i just messed it up it is very confusing sometimes trying to set the dates on my cuddybacks how come i have to do that every time the batterys run out i tried energizers and they messed my camera up they cost me a lot of money
yeah, i think you are looking at different deer.

welcome to the site, i'm sure you will like it more that AT. also, don't be afraid to sprinkle your posts with a period or comma every once in awhile. lol
never do, never will

the lack of capital letters doesn't really make a post any more difficult to read. but a 4-6 line sentence with little or no punctuation can be tough to follow. AND, can totally lead readers into different interpretations of what you are trying to say.
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I would say the throat patch is probably due to similar genetics within the area, but am pretty sure once a rack has hardened it cannot shrink. As others have said, there's lots of info on aging and genetics on here that you will find valuable.

Well done with the camera placement though and welcome to the sight!
I wonder what he scores after the drying period if he shrinks like that on the hoof! Thanks for sharing Kill, but yeah different deer there
i talked to my teacher and he said you were all right it is a different deer appearantly. i will be posting some more pics i showed him today that he said one of them looks like a kangeroo ha ha ha but i really dont know what it is and the other one is a cat which i found out are native to iowa now on this site i need to figure out this uploader thing again i am having problems with it this time



is it a warthog
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You have a lot to learn buddy. But you sure do know where to put your trailcams! That's a bobcat in the bottum picture, they have been making a strong comeback here in Iowa the past few years.
Nice bobcat pic. Looks like you run a fair amount of cameras....lets see some big buck pics!
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those a definitely sweet pictures!! keep reading up on materials on the website and in books, that is the best way to expand your knowledge
that top pic is two young bucks in a sparring match... their fast movement caused the blur... but they are two young bucks.. probably a button buck and possibly a spike buck
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