The Split Second Buck


Active Member
I took this buck on November 11th at 9:15 AM. I started my two weeks of hunting vacation last Friday. The begining of the first week was great, saw lots a bucks including some real hogs. I figured the hunting was only going to get better. By the following Thursday evening, the temps soared and the wind changed to the south. I had some spots for a south wind but they really didnt seem to be producing anything. On Thursday afternoon I decided I was going to just start walking until I found a new spot that looked good. By 2:30 PM I was settled in to what I thought looked like an unbelievable area. The night was slow, saw a few small bucks and a half dozen does. I was a little disappointed to say the least. The following morning I decided to head back to the same spot. It just looked to good not to have a good buck go through there. It was an early morning as it takes an hour and a half to get back to the spot. By 9 AM I had seen a flicker of a fawns tail in the brush. The morning was shaping up to be another bust. At quarter after nine, I hear crashing in the brush behind me; a spot that I was sure no deer would try to come through. This was followed by some of the most impressive roaring/grunting I had ever heard. The comotion kept coming closer until finally a doe burst from the thick cover. She was twenty yards but quickly ran back into the cover as a 130 class buck followed her out. I couldnt believe this was the buck I heard making all that noise. It was then that I heard the deep grunt again. No sooner did I look back when this buck charged out. He was running full tilt right at me. He immediately turned after the doe and cut back into the ten foot high horseweed. He was quartering away and had a full head of steam. I bleated as loud as I could and the buck slowed to a stutter step. I put the pin a little back and let him have it. I knew as soon as I shot that the arrow was dead on and that he wasnt going anywhere.
The whole event from the sighting to the shot couldnt have taken more then a few seconds. I saw the big brows, and from the picture, I think you can see what my decision was. I called all my hunting buddies to say I shot a buck. Everyone asked me how big he was and the best I could come up with was somewhere between 150 and 180, I honestly had no idea what I had shot. All I knew was that I was pumped; one for making the shot and two for having all the pressure and stress released in one moment. It was a great hunt, he only ran another 75 yards and crashed. Main frame nine with a kicker off of the G2. He ended up grossing 154.
Congrats on the nice buck. I can relate to the story and I like it when things happen so fast. Instinct takes over and a person doesn't "overthink" the shot.
Nice Buck! I too suffered through the warm weather during my two weeks vacation. I litterally wore out my south wind stands. Way to stick with it!!
Way to go Fred!....he'll look great next to "your boys". What broadhead did you use? the hole looks massive.
Great story on the broadheads Rudd. I have used Montecs the last couple of years and had six of them to start this year. First weekend out I got mauled by some guys dog in the dark and in the process lost one arrow. Not long after, I was hunting with LIV in the afternoon on a different day. The spot was a two mile walk through the timber. After the evening hunt I met up with him in the timber. I took off my jacket before we began the trek back to the truck and in the process walked for fifteen minutes before I realized I left my bow sitting where I took the jacket off. I tell LIV I had to go back and told him to head to the truck as he "other" things going on that night. I mentioned I feared my light might die, but against my better judgement I went back. I found my bow easily enough, but as soon as I did my light died. Now I had a two mile walk through the thickest crap you have ever seen. Walk should of took an hour to walk took me over two. In the process I plowing through the brush because I couldnt find the deer trails to walk on, I lost every arrow in my quiver. I was in less than a great mood when I got to the truck. I still wanted to hunt in the morning and I knew there was no place I could get Montecs at this hour. So...I headed to Wally Mart and picked up a fifteen dollar pack of Muzzys and was shooting them in my headlights of my truck that morning before I went out. With a quick adjustment of the sight I had them shooting pretty good. They did the number on that deer, I may be a believer
Oh, that was a great time chatting with you on the phone after you lost those arrows... *chuckles*
It's crazy what a die hard bowhunter will do. That's a heck of a story. I think I would have just yelled for Liv and had him come pick me up.