I seriously hope that when I'm 77 I'll still be chasing big bucks. We have a fella that lets us hunt that's 81. Still getting in his 5 to 6' homemade ladder stands. Shoots a 50 pound Mathews switchback with his fingers and the oldest single pin sight I've ever seen. Since turning 75 he has killed 3 bucks over 170". Truly UN believable the amount of really big deer this guy has killed with a bow. And doesn't own one piece of camo clothing, or shoot past 20 yards. He says " hunt the wind,patience, and having a big one in the area are the keys to killing them" he's dreading the day he has to get a crossbow and a blind. But I'm afraid it won't be too far down the told for him
Congrats to the hunter on one hell of a deer and still having the drive to get out there and go after them. They say that your only as old as you feel.