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The Truth - Potential World Record

Why don't you paint it at a waterin' hole so you can use the reflection to show more rack, it could be bent over getting a drink with the reflection ahead of it in the water.
Old Buck, I think Tracker really has a great idea. Find a local watering hole the buck could have likely used and there you have it.
I like the watering hole idea too. But...depending on the angle, doesn't it mostly just reflect what you can already see?
The water hole is a very interesting idea. Could add another angle of the rack. It also would add additional interest from an artistic point of view.

150 brings up an interesting point. It could show more of the rack depending on the angle of the viewer relative to the surface of the water. At water surface level you just get a mirror image. The higher the elevation the more you would see the rack from above and its reflection from down below. Unfortunately you don't gain anything left or right. Now if there just happened to be an old mirror proped up by the water hole....

I'll share my current thoughts on painting this tremendous buck since in the past I've gotten such great ideas and feedback from iowawhitetailers.

The rack shows best from his front left side as if he were quartering toward you. I like the light coming from behind because you get great colors. If I have the sun coming from the back left it should create interesting shadow patterns on the buck and his rack while backlight nearby vegetation. The painting will be the second in the Foggy Morning series following Foggy Morning Trio - Wild Turkey. The turkey painting is at the printer right now and it just happens to contain one of his 2001-2002 sheds. I'm leaning toward a verticle composition which conveys strength and power. I'll probably have his body quartering into the painting as he looks to his left giving the above described view of his rack while showing wrinkes in his thick neck. It just happens that I taped a huge buck about the same time and he gave me a very similar view. That footage should come in very handy for the painting.

Put it all together we have a huge bodied, mature whitetail buck with a world class, massive, narly rack pausing to look back over his left shoulder as shafts of light from a rising sun burn through the early morning fog.

What do you think?

Old Buck
Stop!! I haven't even been able to look at this buck yet and now all I can think about is how you'll present him to us in your art. That's very hard for us addicts.
By the way I have not had a sneak peak at The foggie morning Wild Turkey print. When is your open house scheduled to happen?
It looks like the open house will be the 4th weekend in November after we have all shot our monster bucks. The date is not definite but very likely. I know, it is a busy time of the year for hunters but it is the best choice we have available. I'll let everyone know once it is for sure. Also, I'll try to get a photo of the new painting posted.
i saw a print of "sereghetti warrior" last week at the coralville scheels OldBuck. i must say it look great up close and in person. excellent work.
Any idea on when North American Whitetail will have an article on this young mans awesome whitetail hunt? Can't wait to see the harvest photos.

Congrates to the young man and father.
The story will run in the January issure of North American Whitetail along with the harvest photos. You can bet with all the national hype about this deer this will be the #1 selling issue of Northamerican.

The news spread so fast my cusin in colorado heard about the deer being havested from a friend 3 days after me and i heard about it right when it was posted on here and was confermed that the buck had been harvested. Then i was on another hunting board with the word IOWA in my screen name and a guy from California pm'ed me asking if the rumers were ture. Now if the story has gone all the way to the West i wonder how far it got to the east?

We'll i can't wait to see the photos!! Congrats to the boy and his dad.

I got to take a look at the Lovstuen Buck this weekend. It is absolutely incredible. Those circumferences look like a wooden baseball bat they are SO big. I wish I would have asked Doug what the left antler scored alone because it was absolutely amazing. Some of those abnormals are so long.
I thought it was going to look more like the Beatty buck and hard to distingush the main frame, but everything is pretty evident. I don't see there being too many discrepancies in the scoring of it, so I'm sure the score will not change much.
Old Buck, you definitely need to paint him from his left side there is just so much stuff going on over there. The water hole might be a great idea to get the reflection of all that antler under the main beam.
I can't wait to read the upcoming article about him. AMAZING!
to me personnaly, i don't care how the young man was able to lure that big boy in, as long as he made the kill!!!
A Knight Rifle is what I understand.

What model I don't know. When he was up to Larry Zach art gallery he had on a Knight cap. What a nice young man.
congratulations to you tony luvstuen on your accomplishment.you haved achieved what every deer hunter wether trophy or not has always wanted to accomplish,breaking the world record.congrats tony.
yesterday i read the article in the business record in the des moines register by one beth dalbey.she has tryed to tarnish the trophy and his taker.she obviously has never been in the field to feel the intensity of the hunt.tony and his family,from what i have read here and on iowa deer.com are down home people that know the wildlife and respect the code of ethics that goes with it.she says that sport took that trophy.and the record.well this is a sport that those who choose to do and we love our sport and with any sport records are set for one reason,TO BE BROKEN.we hunt for food as well as the trophy and in tony's situtaion he got both.so all those who talk the negative b.s. keep it because this is our sport and this is our choice to love it.like the saying goes "IT IS NOT AN OBSESSION,IT IS A PASSION"keep all of your bad press and tell it to someone who will listen.tony it is your achieve and your family's and there is noone that can tarnish it in our,the real deer hunters,eyes.congratulations tony.i hope that someday i can shake your hand.i'll be out there to get my chance at the record someday but for now you are the champ.congrats
you deserve it.
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