Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The Visitation


Life Member
I thought the turkey carcass from my bow kill would make for some good predator photos.

So I took the carcass of the turkey and hung it up with a length of nylon cord from a tree. I was thinking I would get more photos if they couldn't just drag the turkey away.

No coyotes, no bobcats, no opposums, just his friend attending the visitation.

You could be on to something here Ghost. "The Dead Tom Walking" decoy series. Complete with 12 foot of paracord for hanging and a ground stake to stake it down in windy conditions.
He probably gave him a few good pecks and wondered why he didn't fight back! Cool photo Ghost.
Here I thought there was some "cult" thing going on...but it's just Ghostie up to some shenanigans
If I found that dead turkey in the woods I would fear for my life.
Is this one of your strategies to keep trespassers out?
Hard to think about hunting with out trail cams. great photo!
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