I'm a fully licensed jackalope outfitter, but not a realtor. Does that count? And I'll even give you the "black and gold NR" discount: only charge you double and only put one red/gold sticker on your truck!!
While in Arizona (near Tortilla Flats) I saw 3 nonresidents lurking up on the foot hills, they ran over the hill when they saw (us) humans!
Vote for change you can believe in in 2016. Hillary Clinton. LOL
While in Arizona (near Tortilla Flats) I saw 3 nonresidents lurking up on the foot hills, they ran over the hill when they saw (us) humans!
I saw a fish on my depthfinder last night, he didn't bite but he swam by, hope he doesn't get caught by a nonresident![]()
good! There's at least one left. I will be up there trying to snag it while you are down here working on your food plots so you can sit over them in a couple years!![]()
Good! There's at least one left. I will be up there trying to snag it while you are down here working on your food plots so you can sit over them in a couple years!![]()
So you're to blame for lack of QJM around the surrounding area i hunt? The leased farms have been over hunted and I didn't even see a good quality jackalope this whole season. My lettuce and carrot food plots just went to waste this year and nothing on my trailcams. Sometimes I don't even know why I practice QJM if no one else will?I'm a fully licensed jackalope outfitter, but not a realtor. Does that count? And I'll even give you the "black and gold NR" discount: only charge you double and only put one red/gold sticker on your truck!!
So you're to blame for lack of QJM around the surrounding area i hunt? The leased farms have been over hunted and I didn't even see a good quality jackalope this whole season. My lettuce and carrot food plots just went to waste this year and nothing on my trailcams. Sometimes I don't even know why I practice QJM if no one else will?
I had this guy coming out of snag every night, finally ending up shot by my neighbor with a Daisy at 25 yards, guy was baiting celery and I couldn't compete![]()
I had this guy coming out of snag every night, finally ending up shot by my neighbor with a Daisy at 25 yards, guy was baiting celery and I couldn't compete
I was hunting one like that all fall but couldn't close the deal on him. I heard a NR shot him on the next farm over during the gun season. No pictures have surfaced yet. I guess the guy is trying to keep it very quiet. I think his last name is Fudd.