Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

The worst part about not killing one in the morning...

Waddell Wannabe

Quick Trigger
...is that taking harvest pics at night kinda sucks.

I killed this tom at 7:50 on monday night. He really made me work. He was all henned up (10 or so hens) and it took me a solid hour, from the time they stepped into my field to the time of the shot, to get them called in. Twice they tried to leave the field and I had to coax them back in. Then on there final approach, I heard the sound all bowhunters hate to hear. A stomp, followed quickly by a wheeze, from behind me. 5 does came out in front of me, in the middle of my decoys and wheezed, jumped, and stomped around. By the time they took off, I figured the gig was up. I lucked out though, because during this whole mess, the turkeys were in a low spot in the field and I don't think they could see any of the action. When the group got close, and a couple hens started to mingle with my decs, they looked like they were getting a little worried. So I quickly got on the first opening (I had a low-hanging tree just to my right) and as soon as this guy stepped out I let the Benelli Super Black Eagle II roar. 35 yard shot and he went straight down, hardly flopping at all. I didn't have a camera and just my luck, my phone was completely dead so I had to wait for pics till I got him home. Did the best I could in the dark.



Weight: 23 pounds
Beard length: 10 1/4 inches
Spurs: 1 and 1 1/8 inches
Is that gonna be on every harvest picture I post on here Chris? And by the way, where's your turkey? I told you I had a bottle of whiskey for you when you finally tagged out! Not enough motivation?

All the whiskey in the world isn't going to keep him from shooting tailfans off all the toms he has a chance at! :grin:
I told you I had a bottle of whiskey for you when you finally tagged out! Not enough motivation?

Awww....man, that's right! Thanks for reminding me! :way:

I'm putting the stick and string away and heading back home with the real kill'r tonight! Hmm....now I have to pick what kind of whiskey I want!
And if it makes you feel any better i'll quit saying that your hot mom is hot. I mean, honestly, just because you have a hot mom doesn't mean that I need to tell you how hot she is everytime that you post a harvest photo! You just have to understand that I'm trying Tayler! ;)

Mr. DWilk....don't even get me started on your season so far....i've got some sweet video as evidence of you're 'chip shot(s).' Blackmail? :D
Oh, and why weren't you in classes Monday? You need to start taking your education more seriously, and strive to be all that you can be here at Iowa State.
Awww....man, that's right! Thanks for reminding me! :way:

I'm putting the stick and string away and heading back home with the real kill'r tonight! Hmm....now I have to pick what kind of whiskey I want!

No, you don't get to decide. I already bought it. If you don't shoot one then I'll just have to drink it! (It's only appropriate right?)

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