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Think there is something in the water ?


New Member
I have pictures of this buck from last year also. I need to find it. Both pictures were from the same field.

The messed up side on this buck looks like the rack on the buck that was in the field I hunt. This picture is down the valley from the field I hunt.





About the same spot in the field as as last year. as you can see, wrong side.


then there is this picture taken last weekend in the field I hunt. It is not even a mile from the field where the other bucks were taken. must be something in the water around there ?

You do know that strange people swim in that pond all summer long. I have even seen pictures of small children with strangley shaped eyes standing on the bank. Who can say what might happen to the poor deer arround there!!
Jon stopped by tonight and we took a ride around the area.

He told me while bailing the alfalfa he saw that buck again in the field, so hopefully, I will get some more pictures of him,maybe even up close from my blind this fall.
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