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Thinking About Making Fall Food Plot

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Well-Known Member
I was wondering what your guy's prefrences on spring and fall food plots are. What are the best combos? I'm thinking about making a small acre or less food plot or less next year or this fall. Right now I'm just hunting around our area. It's turning up some nice bucks and I'm hoping to make it easier to find their sheds unless I smoke one of them this fall or winter. My Dad's leaving about 70-90sq feet of soybeans and corn for me and I was also wondering can I legally hunt over it?
fall food plot

The easiest plot to plant in the fall is brassicas or fall oats. Both are good, I like brassicas for late season hunting, and I find sheds in the plots...
I planted 18 acres of corn/beans this spring and this fall I will plant, turnipis, peas, winter rye, clover, oats and radishes. I'm going to strip plant them like Double Tree says to do, this is my first year doing food plots so I'm no expert just have done a lot of reading on this website. Good luck!
The easiest plot to plant in the fall is brassicas or fall oats. Both are good, I like brassicas for late season hunting, and I find sheds in the plots...

I have 3/4 acre of oats right by our house planted but I know I'm not going to get a shed or feed any Deer because our dogs always scare the Deer away. Oats will be easy to plant because we still have 2 50 pound bags left I believe.
Biologic just came out with a new mix called Last Bite. It has ur brassicas, oats, wheat. The best part is it has clover in it. the clover comes up first thing in the spring to keep the deer healthy and around.
Take a look in the brassica, clover and cereal grain threads in Dbltree's Corner for some great ideas. :way:

Dbltree's Corner

Late season you can't beat beans BUT in November: purple top turnips & Ground Hog Radishes are hard to top!!! I'd second that with winter rye, clover and winter peas. alfalfa is always a great ticket too but more fussy.
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