PMA Member
looks like a feral hog to me.Got this off dnr site.
Feral Hogs
Feral hogs are trying to gain a foothold in
certain parts of Iowa. They use heavy cover, are
difficult to find and even more difficult to hunt.
Hunters are encouraged to watch for feral hogs
while out hunting other species and to kill them
on sight. It is legal to kill feral hogs on your own
property and on public lands where hunting is
allowed. Trespassing on private land to shoot a
feral hog is not allowed.
Feral hogs are not native to Iowa and no
permit is needed to take a feral hog.
Feral hogs are aggressive and prone to attack.
They spread diseases to humans, pets and
domestic animals. These animals damage crops
and forest lands which contributes to soil erosion
and siltation. They also compete with native
wildlife for food. They eat anything they can
catch including reptiles, amphibians, deer fawns,
bird eggs and newly born livestock.
If you should happen to kill a feral hog,
contact the local wildlife biologist (see p. 45).
The DNR would like to collect a blood samplecertain parts of Iowa. They use heavy cover, are
difficult to find and even more difficult to hunt.
Hunters are encouraged to watch for feral hogs
while out hunting other species and to kill them
on sight. It is legal to kill feral hogs on your own
property and on public lands where hunting is
allowed. Trespassing on private land to shoot a
feral hog is not allowed.
Feral hogs are not native to Iowa and no
permit is needed to take a feral hog.
Feral hogs are aggressive and prone to attack.
They spread diseases to humans, pets and
domestic animals. These animals damage crops
and forest lands which contributes to soil erosion
and siltation. They also compete with native
wildlife for food. They eat anything they can
catch including reptiles, amphibians, deer fawns,
bird eggs and newly born livestock.
If you should happen to kill a feral hog,
contact the local wildlife biologist (see p. 45).