PMA Member
Was able to get my boy his first buck this morning! It was absolutely awesome. We set up this morning with plans to let him shoot a doe as we knew where some were traveling after daylight then planned to set up on a corn field for an evening hunt where we have been seeing a nice 9 point but had not been able to get into range on him.
Well the does were out where we expected when the sun came up but they went west instead of our way so I started glassing the surrounding CRP to see if I could see anything. I found a couple does milling around where we could put a sneak on them to get into gun range. As we got up to the rise we needed to top I looked over to my right and there two other does watching us, we nelt down and I got him on the sticks and when I looked back up, the buck we had been chasing on the corn field was now standing right next to the does looking at us. When Landon saw him he instantly started breathing hard and I knew buck fever was coming on.
I told him to take his time and take 3 big deep breaths to slow his heart rate. When he did that, he was facing the scope and fogged it up. Luckily, the deer weren't all that nervous and were still just standing there looking at us. The scope cleared up quickly and I asked if he had him in the crosshairs, he said he did. He took one more deep breath, let half of it out and squeezed the trigger. We heard the WHOP of the bullet hitting the buck and he fell on his feet. Excitement overcame both of us as he realized he had just killed a great first buck. I reloaded the muzzy and we started the walk up to where he was at. I had him take the lead in the CRP and when we got to where he was laying, we confirmed it was the 9 point we had been chasing and he had been bedded right there in the CRP.
I still have a muzzy tag but I told him that I didn't care if I ever shot another deer because this was the best hunt I had been a part of knowing the amount of time he put in last year only to have him getting to shoot a couple does and nothing mature. Yet, he never once complained. Then this year he passed several younger deer because they were not what he wanted his first buck to be. I always told him it was totally his choice on what he wanted to shoot and when. He could have killed numerous year and a half and two and a half year old deer but that wasn't what he wanted. I could not be more proud of him, he has incredible patience, does not mind the cold (need to find better kids gloves) and puts the time in on the bench to get used to shooting my muzzy and is very good with it. I just enjoy the time spent afield with him and he has set the bar high for himself going forward with a gun because I know he has the patience to wait for something bigger if he chooses to.
Sorry for the long read, time for some pictures. He scored 152 6/8" with a broken G4 on the left side and 6" & 5 6/8" bases.

Well the does were out where we expected when the sun came up but they went west instead of our way so I started glassing the surrounding CRP to see if I could see anything. I found a couple does milling around where we could put a sneak on them to get into gun range. As we got up to the rise we needed to top I looked over to my right and there two other does watching us, we nelt down and I got him on the sticks and when I looked back up, the buck we had been chasing on the corn field was now standing right next to the does looking at us. When Landon saw him he instantly started breathing hard and I knew buck fever was coming on.
I told him to take his time and take 3 big deep breaths to slow his heart rate. When he did that, he was facing the scope and fogged it up. Luckily, the deer weren't all that nervous and were still just standing there looking at us. The scope cleared up quickly and I asked if he had him in the crosshairs, he said he did. He took one more deep breath, let half of it out and squeezed the trigger. We heard the WHOP of the bullet hitting the buck and he fell on his feet. Excitement overcame both of us as he realized he had just killed a great first buck. I reloaded the muzzy and we started the walk up to where he was at. I had him take the lead in the CRP and when we got to where he was laying, we confirmed it was the 9 point we had been chasing and he had been bedded right there in the CRP.
I still have a muzzy tag but I told him that I didn't care if I ever shot another deer because this was the best hunt I had been a part of knowing the amount of time he put in last year only to have him getting to shoot a couple does and nothing mature. Yet, he never once complained. Then this year he passed several younger deer because they were not what he wanted his first buck to be. I always told him it was totally his choice on what he wanted to shoot and when. He could have killed numerous year and a half and two and a half year old deer but that wasn't what he wanted. I could not be more proud of him, he has incredible patience, does not mind the cold (need to find better kids gloves) and puts the time in on the bench to get used to shooting my muzzy and is very good with it. I just enjoy the time spent afield with him and he has set the bar high for himself going forward with a gun because I know he has the patience to wait for something bigger if he chooses to.
Sorry for the long read, time for some pictures. He scored 152 6/8" with a broken G4 on the left side and 6" & 5 6/8" bases.

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