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PMA Member
I've been lucky and had a really nice woods pretty much to myself for 2 years. This year another guy is bow hunting and early season blackpowder hunting too. I wasn't to worked up about it cause there's plenty of woods. His boy shot a 13 pointer during youth season. This last week he brought his dad out plus a friend during blackpowder season. That was enough to piss me off cause he was the only one with permission. Now the friend shoots a nice 13 with alot of character, and the dad shoots a very heavy 10 that goes 170 that I've been watching all fall. To top that off they were driving the deer. I was trying to be real good about staying out of there, (at least where he put up his stands) this last week cause he took the week off. And I told him I would stay out and not bother him. Like I said, I was trying to be a decent guy about it. Then I find out he's got more people out there and pushing deer. I won't say anything to the land owner cause I don't want to put him in the middle of any dispute. But I am definetly gonna say something to the other guy. Or am I wrong about this and over reacting.
Since it's not your land, not much you can do unless he's in violation of a hunting regulation. Even then, trying to get the DNR to catch him will be an uphill battle....now that he's got his appetite wetted with some nice racks, he'll be back doing the same thing every year.

We go through the same thing each year, only it gets worse during shotgun season...and we own the land...
don't get me wrong, I don't think he is doing anything illegal. I just feel he is not being a very courtious hunter
I know how you feel and don't blame you a bit. I think the landowner may be interested to know what the people he gives permission to are doing. He may feel as angry as you do. I hunt on other people's land and it is an unwritten and well understood part of hunting ethics that if a landowner gives you permission, it is ONLY for you and you shouldn't bring friends, relatives, etc. without asking special permission.
Good luck on this one, I'd be pissed too.
Moose hunter,
I put up a posting about "Hunting Etiquette". I was put in the same situation that you are in now. It really eats at cha' doesn't it. Hope all turns out well?
It is illegal to push deer in any other season besides shotgun, you should say somthing to the guy about that.
I know how you feel. My friend and I had permission to hunt this property next to his and even got out to set all of our tree stands. What happened was we were hanging the last stand and this guy comes along and seemed nice at first but then my friend called and this guy somehow convinced the land owner to just allow him onto the property. To add insult to injury now this jerk parks his truck along the fence by one of our tree stands. This guy is a jerk and an unethical hunter but we can't seem to catch him. This really steamed my friend and I. It is bad when you have unscrupulous and unethical hunters making it difficult for the rest of us.
I'd be ticked off too if somebody showed up like this guy did and started shooting all the small ones.

Seriously, I'd casually mention it to the guy first. Tell him you don't mind sharing the land but that you're bit upset he's bringing everyone around and you don't appreciate his violations. Its a tough spot because mentioning it to the landowner might create a bad image for yourself and you jeopardize your rights to hunt it.

Good luck to you.
i'd mention something to the landowner about the guy inviting other people onto the ground. chances are that he won't be asked to come back and hunt. i ALWAYS mention to landowners that i'd like to take friends once in awhile...i think you have a legitimate gripe.
I would inform the landowner, once these people have been on the property they may start thinking they can just go hunt, or mushroom, fish etc. There are alot of people that take for granted that just because they were with someone that had permission, well then they have it too.Pretty soon every one and their brother is out there and everyone gets kicked out.This is a privledge you been given and therfore you should treat it as if were your own ground, and you would appreciate to know what is happening on your ground.
The landowner need to know first but I would also say something to the hunter as well. Last thing you need is the new hunter crying to the landowner saying you jumped all over him.
Hey Moosehunter...What happened really sucked...I know what your goin through...last year a guy on the neighboring farm shot a nice 150class 12 point that morning..then did a deer drive with us that afternoon....my brothers wife has never shot a deer in her life...an we practice QDM....So she passed up two small year an halfs....they ran to the bottom of the hill...an the guy that shot the 150class gunned down both of the small bucks...Everyone was pissed but really nothin you could really do about it.....Called up the landowner that night..explained the story...an the guy got kicked off the land....I would just explain to the landowner what is goin on...
Just my 2 cents...
I feel your pain Moose, the worst thing about watching specific deer is the agony of wondering if its in somebody elses garage right now. At least you know so you can go from here.

As for pushing deer outside of shotgun season, it is totally legal as long as everyone shoots their own deer. No violation there.

However I would definitely speak with the landowner. The new guy bringing everbody he knows with him may not have been the landowners intention.

Personally I would consider it pretty rude, as he certainly shows no thoughtfullness towards your plans.

Good luck, unless he gets booted or starts going alone, your in for tough hunting there.
As previously posted, pushing deer is not illegal in any deer season. I believe some people may be confusing the terms "pushing deer" and "party hunting". Party hunting, in which members of a deer party may legally shot another party member's deer can be done only during the shotgun deer season, and now has been expanded into the late season antlerless only season. Pushing deer, i.e. having someone walk through an area to drive (push) the deer past someone else, is not illegal during any deer season.

Doug Clayton

State Conservation Officer
I definitly agree with you...its kind of an unwritten rule not to do things like that but just for future reference, and somthing that i do often, is when i get permission i always ask the landowner not to let anyone else hunt the farm for safety sake usually depending on how big the farm is...But by doing this usually the landowner will understand and not let anyone else hunt his farm...of course this varies between each situation...so anyway goodluck with the rest of your season and i would definitly have a chat with the other hunter!
Don't the people who do the pushing also have to have a tag for that season?
swanny - you are correct - you have to have a valid license for the season you are hunting in, even if you are just aiding another hunter (pushing deer for them). It is illegal to just grab a couple people off the street and tell them to walk from point A to point B in hopes of them pushing deer to you.

Moosehunter - my suggestion is that all three parties need to get together to establish some rules (you, the other hunter and the landowner). Obviously, you are at the landowner's mercy, but you ALL need to work out a plan or this thing will never get solved. Right now, you are losing out, but if all you do is rock the boat by just talking to the hunter or the landowner, you may be even more on the losing end. Trust me - you need to do something about it or you will be ticked off until the end of time and lose focus on what you really want to do - hunt whitetails. Good luck.
Moose Hunter, how did you find out that only the 1 guy had permision? If you heard it from the land owner, then I think you have legitimate cause to bring it up in conversation the next time you visit with him. Although most landowners I know would be tickled to know that a youth hunter filled a tag with a nice deer on their property.
As far as the deer drives go, I can see why you don't want people stiring up the deer by pushing them and you might express that to the other hunter, but since it is legal and he has permission to hunt just like you do, I don't think it is a dispute you want to get the land owner mixed up in.

The land owner knew that he was taking his boy. I have no problem with that either. I also have no problem with another hunter (or two) there. I didn't even get worked up when I saw the prize buck in the picture. I guess the thing that really bothered me was the fact they were pushing deer. Now I know that the deer will settle down in time and hopefully everything will be back to normal tommorrow. It's just the thought of taking extra caution and care to try not to upset things there then to have those guys running around and stirring everything up. After a little time to reflect and think things out, I think I will talk to the land owner and only casually mention it. Then just let it go. There's at least 5 or 6 more booners out there I have seen myself so there's more quality deer. I wish I could have captured a few on trail cam to show ya guys but maybe I can get a picture of one in the back of my Tacoma....
Guys, Maybe I will be the A hole but I will voice my opinion on permission. I hunt only where I have permission. I assume that any one else hunting the same ground has permission also unless I know otherwise. If I gained permission anyone else can and may do the same to gain permision. If I am not a Good enough Hunter to overcome the obstacles to someone elses permission I will hunt elsewhere. I will also aid the hunter making the obstacles to try to have him overcome making mistakes. Sorry but that big buck lives other places too and some one else may get him.
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