Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


TACOMA??? U Toyota Lovin sonna gun you I thought I taught you better...
5 or 6 more booners?????? Man me and you need to hook up moose!!!!!!!!LMAO.

No seriously.. I'd sit down and talk with the landowner and this guy who asked permission and do the ground rule thing... there are some things a guy just can not over look....

The best thing I can tell you is to be patient and cortious and it should be returned to you by this other guy, if not ..... Oh well... some guys just have no morals when hunting .. Around me I always preach that you are not thee only hunter in the woods and what you or I do will effect every single other hunter around my area. so... Every step taken needs to be thought out beforehand to make sure no ones toes are stepped on......

I would think if this guy is a reasonable person and a good hunter he would concur......

It is illegal to push deer in any other season besides shotgun, you should say somthing to the guy about that.

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I don't believe this is correct, it is illegal to shoot a deer for someone else however it is legal to assist others even it you have filled your tag. Here is a quote from the regs:

DEER — Resident and nonresident hunters
with a valid deer hunting license may hunt with and assist other deer hunters only in the season specified on their license. See Tagging Requirements

I would also be preved about this whole thing if I knew for sure thet ONLY this other hunter had permission. It's a bummer, especially when the "other guy" is taking home 3 nice bucks.
Good luck the rest of the year.
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