For me, my opinion on why I don't like the guys: They are corney, cheesy, self important guys who think more of themselves than I can believe & just want to be hunting celebrities. I can't stand Terry's crafty words, all the over-emotion and how they just think the hunting world is them. Like their reality show with all them on stage or Terry doing his race car video with the camera following him around with his eye surgery, etc. That's just my opinion and yes, the answer is: don't buy their videos then- I agree, which is why I won't. Mark having his thousands of acres with Lindsay next to it- tying up thousands of acres and then preaching to me and you on how to hunt- like they are the "every day hunter" in an every day situation- what a joke. They "know it all" because those guys can shoot giant deer on 3,000 acre block of management- OK, whatever. That's great they own thousands of acres and removed dozens of other hunters from it BUT they are far from an average hunter. And yes, it's hard to shoot giant deer anywhere. They just don't represent me or the average hunter IMO. Does it rub me wrong that Mark lives near my buddy in the St. Louis area but skates the law & the DNR looks the other way because they have the buddy-system going? Sure, I don't think that's right.
I had some buddies who used to hunt with them and video with them and quit because it was just a "kiss Mark and Terry's rear end party" and it drove them insane, everyone got off on kissing butt and it was the silliest and gag-worthy love fest anyone could take- why so many guys quit (which is my buddy's OPINION and untold story).
And yes, the Governor tags are an elitist bunch of BS that screws the everyday NR while the politicians do favors for their buddies. It's a bunch of crap. You can argue for these til the cows come home but that Governor tag stuff creates a ton of publicity which we don't need and it's a bunch of crap that kills NR opportunity. these guys and their Governor tags- what a joke.
You want to buy their videos, be my guest, go for it and enjoy. I simply won't and I can have an opinion and express it about these guys like anyone can. They are elitist, nerd-hunters who don't do much good for this state or anyone else. Probably why so many guys don't like them- think about it, you hear all sorts of folks with distaste for these guys but you don't hear that about folks like Winke for example. Think that's coincidence?
Different strokes for different folks but I'm done gagging from watching their videos.