Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

This stinks!

Guy's I did not get drawn this year and while I sure wish I would of. I feel that IOWA has a good system and I can live with it. Sure can't understand why they allow more N/R gun than bow how ever could someone fill me in on the thought process behind that ?
Well If I lived in IOWA I'd fight to the bloody end to stop from moving your gun season. If you let them do this I can't see how you will continue to be one of, if not the best whitetail hunting states.
Your qaulity hunting will be lost at all cost you must band together and stop them !!!

A HuntN friend from Vermont without a tag , maybe next year...

Best Of Luck to all residents in your fight to stop THEM from
destroying your quality huntN. MXZ
John - what's your beef now, are you proposing that landowners should now determine who gets the opportunity to hunt in Iowa? ( If not, then I don't understand why you qualified your post with the "I own 170 acres..." intro.)

If so, is it only landowners with say, oh, 170 acres or more that get to choose or would you allow a peon with a measly 20 acres to select their non-resident hunting partners too?

From my perspective, one of the reasons that the doe numbers keep growing is that larger blocks of land are being locked up via ownership that severely restricts access and/or leases that have the same effect. I also think there is too much focus on big bucks by too many people and not enough people shooting does. I can think of several properties that used to have 3-8 deer harvested per year that now have only 1 or 2 taken off it. IMO letting more non-residents in will only exacerbate this phenomenon.

I would favor anyone getting drawn for an any sex tag also getting a $15 antlerless tag, but I would strongly disagree with more non-resident licenses every year because more land gets locked up that way.
Just curious as to where the info on moving the guns season is coming from. I talked to Mark Armstrong, Pres of IBA, yesterday and he has heard nothing of it from their lobbyist. It was news to him when I brought up the fact that there was some discussion going on about the issue in the inner circles of the bow hunting world. I have heard it mentioned before but never by the DNR or legislators in general. Is it not the DNR that sets the hunting seasons and not the legislative body?.
Hey ,,,,,,,, My hat is off to the Iowa DNR nr system... If it were open to more folks it would turn into a zoo like here in WI!!!!!!! I mean why ruin a great state to hunt big deer....

Look at the alternative . You could live here in WI and fight with your neighbors over the same deer with a bait pile in every friggin corner of the woods!!!!!!!

Don't change a thing....... If I do not draw ...... so what .... I'll hunt some place else and save the area for another season ....I did draw this year for a anydeer bow tag though...... If id did not i would not be whinin...... It is a great thing to hunt your states big deer and to allow more liberal tags would turn a great thing into a nightmare...

Looking forward to some good ol' Iowa hospitality come Nov.. Just like we have had for 10 years or so now.

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