This weekend sightings


Well-Known Member
What did everyone see this weekend. I was out Sat AM and Sun PM. Sat morning I was entertained by a very responsive 2 yr old 10-11 pt. This deer came in off the same hogback ridge as three other bucks I have seen over the past three seasons walk this ridge. Mouth grunted him first to see if his spread was any good (passed shot #1). That basically told me he was a 2 yr old as the brows were short and pretty tight together - spread looked to be about 14". Proceeded to circle at 35 yards. After a couple minutes he started to walk off so I grunted at him with the Buck Roar. He proceeded to start to rub some small trees and posture. Looked like he was leaving again so I snort weezed. He turned, bristled up and walk straight at me. Passed him again (#2 pass) at about six steps as he went behind me to check over the ridge for the "other buck".

After a couple more minutes he was about 25 yards behind me so I mouth grunted him one more time. He turned AGAIN and came at me grunting and passed at my downwind side at about 8 steps and I passed him again (#3 pass).


The most responsive buck I have ever interacted with. Would have loved to have a video camera with me but the cell photos are the best I could do. All this was between 8:15 and 8:30 AM. If this boy makes it to 4-1/2 he is going to be a high scoring whitetail as he has the genes.

Sun. PM sit (different area) was pretty slow till about 5:20 when I saw a couple more 2 yr old bucks and a couple does. Hopefully the weather does not get TOO warm this week. I realize the farmers need a solid week to turn the wheels and I wish them well, BUT just hope it does not get too warm.

Looks like we are getting pretty close.

A buddy of mine took a "cull buck" from his farm. Basic eight with LOTS of mass and some trash. Over twenty inches of mass on both sides. 6"+ H-1's , 5"+ H2/3's, and 4-7/8 H4's :way: It was a buck he had seen pushed some better scoring bucks around and he was afraid it was going to bust up all the other bucks on the farm. I don't think you could have busted this "cull" buck's beams with a sledge hammer.:D
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Glad you saw something :) I saw 1 doe, yes 1 doe at 8:05am Saturday. Nothing the rest of the day. Sunday I sat in the stand 12 hours....not 1 deer. Went back out this morning & nothing again. The deer & their regular travel times & routes are all messed up right now. Probably out in the terraces gettin some lovin :way: I guess one good thing is the farmers are starting to get rid of all this corn around here. I hope next weekend is better.
Lucky dog...SE Iowa has corn absolutely everywhere!!! Some of it may still be in during gun season if it rains like they say its going to this week!
I had some good response this weekend to just grunting. I had one buck give me over 15 shots in a 45 minute span. He stood at 23 yds broadside for 15 minutes. He was a 2 year old 8 that wasn't ready to be shot. Hopefully daddy makes the mistake this next weekend.
I had one little 8 pointer looking for lovin and one nice 160 inch 10 pointer bed down 80 yards from me. That was my que to get down and go get some warmer clothes for the afternoon hunt. I could have just as well stayed home from that one. Only saw 1 doe. Sunday was lawn care day........................
Saturday morning, 2 bucks, one maybe 130, other quitea bit better, couldn't tell, over 100 yards out and moving fast. Does and fawns..maybe 6. Then sonow, lots of it,,heavy and wet, after trying rattling from noon until 4 I came home a skunked iceball.

Sunday, yeah...35 mph winds and temps about -15 cut to the core with the wind. From 9 to noon, one doe and one fawn. Came home to shower (hot)...3-6, a couple moredoes, came home frozen. Are we supposed to enjoy this?
Pretty slow most the weekend. Sunday night saw a little chasing. This 3.5 yr guy came out doing a little chasing and was all busted up. both g1s were gone, and the g2 and g3 were missing on one side. The breaks looked extremely fresh.
Thats awesome...i agree, that is what we do it for. I saw Three bucks chasing two does. Not very agressively though...I got great response from grunting and snort wheezing in the early morning Sunday. Had a great 150ish buck bed down within 100 yards for 6 hours...yeah, thats what i said, 6 hours. Needless to say, I was tired by the time I got outta my stand. Especially beings that they used the standing corn field to their advantage and I never got a one to come in any closer than about 60 to 70 yards. It was fun though. They are moving.