I’m perhaps a “hybrid” on this issue…. Very much against baiting during season. But pro-supplemental feed not during the season. Long list of reasons why on both.
My reason I want to be pro-supplement is all health benefits. Whether mineral or feed or clearly all around nutrition on farm.
Our area is plagued with ehd break outs & even the garlic & mineral - I fully believe helps at a massive level.
The amount of guys that feed to extreme for HEALTH reasons - antler & body & EHD - it’s so few guys it’s insane. Like, .0001% if I had to guess. Lee’s name is first anyone says cause so few do it like that.
With outbreaks of new strains of ehd & how devastating they are to areas…. I’d PERSONALLY take feeding deer, causing bigger racks, better immune systems, repelling insect properties, etc etc over letting EHD wipe deer out. Ehd being new…. We will build immunity to these strains. We probably are past the worst of it. Hopefully. I hate it so much & don’t wanna see 5 years dissapear from a midge & new southern strain. I’m personally convinced feeding & minerals work. Do they add to racks- FOR SURE.
Cost…. Depends on acres …. One big 2000 lbs feeder…. Depends how much fill but $300-2000 depending on how much a guy filled it or how went about it. Could do at select target times when needed the most & cost be more doable.
I can unpack this more & can go down more into: how, why , costs, what to do. And I’m more than happy to discuss ethics about it too on another note. That part is simply opinion. & I know my position is fairly unique on anti-bait but pro-supplement.