I know you're biting at the bit to do something immediately, but don't. Where are you going to park when you hunt as the deer will hear your vehicle coming on to the property and be able to see it. You may need to plant some plot screen plants to hide you truck. How will you access your hunting locations without being seen and smelled? Where will be the prevailing wind direction? Do you want the property and food set up for bowhunting or gun hunting. This makes a difference; for example, bowhunting food plats should be less wide so you can shoot almost entirely across them. Maybe the food plots should be shaped like a boomerang (V shaped) which can force the deer to walk through the narrowest part (pinch point) to see what deer are on the other part of the plot. What food is available on your neighbor's land? Maybe you should plant what your neighbors don't have and maybe you should plant perennials not annuals. If you're an absentee landowner, then perennials might make more sense due to less work and travel to plant food. Where will the deer get water on your property? Should you sink water tubs (from tractor supply etc. or kiddie pools) at your stand or blind locations? Do you want to create bedding areas? Anyway, this is just a quick list of things to initially consider before you do anything. Good luck.