Limb Chicken
Active Member
I think so.So lower right is 2004?
I think so.So lower right is 2004?
I can't believe I missed them. Limb is there any way to get one or maybe just an email of them? I don't kill one every year so maybe I wasn't worried about it then. It seems like yesterday when I stumbled on to this site. Can't believe its almost 12 years ago! I've learned alot from everyone. I might not post much anymore but I'm always watching.
Why did they stop making them?
Most printing shops want you to do a print run of 100, 200, etc to make things cheaper on a per print basis. Then you need to try to sell them all to recoup the investment. Lots of people will jump on the bandwagon saying they will buy one, then disappear when they come back from the print shop. Then a person is stuck with a stack of prints.....
No personal experience doing this, just how I envision it playing out.
Couldn't you have people pay ahead of time?